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He trusted that man...He really thought he had a great companion in him but yet this all seemed to be a lie and in all honesty he was really schocked by it and slightly hit personally. "FP, are you okay?"She asked carefully, laying a hand on his shoulder. She tried to get a view of what he was feeling, what was going on inside of him but she couldn't quite get it but she knew, she was sure it hit him. "I trusted him, Alice."He muttered, rubbing through his hair. "I trusted him to take care of Jug when I was in jail."He added, looking up at the nightsky. "You couldn't know."She whispered, feeling the need to comfort him but how? How to comfort an ex-lover? She didn't really know how this relationship between them worked yet she had to admit that she felt that spark in her belly when he had entered the Register yesterday. "It feels like I should have known it, Ali."He said softly, shaking his head as if he could shake off these feelings before putting the helmet on her head, showing that this conversation was over. "I'm bringing you home."He said, stepping on his motorcycle. "I'm coming with you."She said back, sitting down behind him. "Are you sure, Alice?"He asked unsure. Was this going to happen? Was she really going to come with him...to the Whyte Wyrm? "I'm not gonna let you go through this alone, FP."


She sat in his office in the Whyte Wyrm, knowing that being there when they were gonna vote was a bad idea as she did not give herself the best reputation down here but she wanted to be there for him and didn't really know why that feeling was so hard present. She told herself that this was just a favor she was doing for him and nothing more but she was no fool. Ever since these fights with Hal happened she felt how they grew apart and how she started longing for something, some affection but not the kind her so called husband could give. No she was searching for affection she once had. And here she was now, standing in a room she had stood many times before, waiting by the door for him to walk right through it and tell her everything was going to be okay, that everything was going to be more than okay. 

"Alice."He whispered as he looked around at the Serpents who voted, deciding the fate of Tall Boy and all he could think about was her, how she was waiting for him, up there and all he wanted now was to be with her. "I'll gonna take care of him later."He said softly to Jughead, resting a hand on his son's shoulder. "I need to take care of some other bussiness first."He added, going up the stairs before his son could question his father as he opened the door of his office, finding her standing by his desk, waiting for what happened downstairs. "How did it go, FP?"She asked softly as he closed the door. The distance between them seemed to suddenly dissapear as he let down his guards that kept him at bay. His lips finding hers, arms holding each other close. "I...You...How did it go?"She asked in a whisper, pushing him slightly back, unsure about everything that just happened. "It went well, Ali."He muttered, his hand cupping her cheek, stroking it with his thumb. It felt as if suddenly he was falling all in love again. "Thanks to you."He added in a whisper as a small smile formed on her lips. "You were a part of it all, Jones."She said back, her finger playing with the button on his shirt. Lip between her teeth as she thought about it all. She had letted him in, in this moment and she wanted to keep him in which decided her next move as she pulled him closer, lips finding each other once again. "I missed you so much, Ali."

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