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"Why did you come back,Betty?"She asked in a whisper, staring at her youngest daughter who stood next to the couch. "Took more than a week to get that pepper spray out of my eyes."The man said, stopping Betty from saying something to her mother. "Well, maybe next time don't attack my brother with a box cutter."She threw back to the man as the woman was counting the money that Betty had brought. "It's all here. Nice work."She commented, looking up at Betty. "You have your money, now go."Alice said immediately, wanting those people out of her house to only see how they exchanged gazes. "What are you talking about? I just got here."The man said, studying the house for a moment. "Yeah and Riverdale is so much nicer than Centerville. And this house, I could get used to this house."The woman said as she leant back in her seat causing Chic to stand up. "You said if we gave you the money, you would leave."He said, staring at the woman as Alice held him back. "Or what? You think you three can take us? Try it."The woman said as the man reached in his pocket, pulling out his box cutter. "Sit your ass down, Chic, or I'll cut out your sister's eyes."He warned but before anything else could be said, the front door burst open as Jughead Jones walked inside followed by the Serpents, all of them holding knives in their hands. "You think you two can take all of us. Try it."Betty said with a smile on her lips as Alice was still in schock about this turn of events. "You brought backup. Does that mean you want me to go to the sheriff, start making a stink?"The woman asked, staring at Betty. "That's your call, but my backup and me, we're friends with the sheriff's son, so, whose side do you think he'll pick?"Betty threw back. "The Coopers are one of the most respected  families in Riverdale. You two are just Centerville scumbags."Jughead added, staring them down. "Anything that was in your car, washed away, else we'd heard about it. So, why don't you grab the money and run?"


"Alice?"FP asked surprised as she walked inside the Whyte Wyrm, ordering a drink before finally looking at him as he straight away noticed her red eyes, a sign that she had been crying which worried him. "Are you alright?"He asked quickly, patting the barstool next to his as she sat down with a sigh, throwing back her drink as she motioned for a new one at Hog Eye who raised an eyebrow at FP as he just shrugged his shoulders. "Can't I get myself a drink, Jones?"She asked irritated, tapping her fingers on the bar. "Thought you would go somewhere more fancy than here."He said back, taking a sip from his water as she couldn't help but to cock an eyebrow at that. "Guess you don't know me really."She threw back at him, taking her drink that Hog Eye just put in front of her. "So what's the reason you are here, Alice?"He asked, too curious to not ask about it. "Honestly, I thought you would've already heard."She muttered, taking a sip from her drink. "It's after all your son that helped me."She added before standing up as she finished her drink already, leaving him behind by the bar as he watched her make her way towards the door, slightly swaying on her legs, clearly not able to walk a straight line. "Should go after her, shouldn't I?"He asked, looking at Hog Eye. "I'm surprised you're still sitting here, FP."He answered which made him stand up as he left the bar, finding Alice by her car, struggling to find her keys in her purse, curses leaving her lips. "Are you really going to drive in this state, Ali?"He asked, leaning against her car as he watched her amused. "I'm well capable of taking care of myself. I don't need no man to save the day."She muttered, finally finding her keys. "How about Hal?"He asked with raised eyebrow as a huff left her lips at that. "He wants to get divorced."She answered plainly. "Screwing Penelope isn't enough, I guess."She added, unlocking her car. "He cheated on you?"He asked surprised, stopping her from opening the car door. "Yeah, with no other than Penelope Blossom, that half-melted troll of a woman."She muttered, growing more frustrated by the minute to only feel how he took the keys out of her hands. "You can't drive home."He stated, putting them inside her pocket after locking the car again. "And I'm sure you wouldn't want Betty to see you like this."He added. "And what do you suggest, Jones?"She asked with crossed arms, eyeing him with another raised eyebrow as a smile tugged on his lips. "Staying with me of course, Ali."He said with a wink, taking her hand in his as he led her to his bike. "Oh no, I'm not crawling on that thing, Forsythe."She warned, pulling her hand free. "You love my bike."He said as he took his helmet, placing it carefully on her head. "You always have."He added, turning on his bike. "I loved you, not the bike."She muttered under her breath, not knowing he heard her as his smile grew by that comment. "Don't hurt his feelings, Ali."He said, turning around as a blush formed on her cheeks. "You talk about it, like it's a human being."She muttered, carefully swinging her leg over it, waiting for him to take the seat in front of her which he did, feeling her arms wrap around his waist tightly. "Hold on tight, Princess."He instructed, starting the motor. "And don't let go again."He added in a murmur before driving away from the Whyte Wyrm as her hands held his jacket tightly, head...well, more helmet resting against his back. Soon enough they arrived at Sunnyside Trailer Park in front of his trailer as he turned off the motor, waiting for her to step off the bike before doing the same, carefully taking the helmet off her head. "Remember the days we did this all the time, Ali?"He asked softly, fixing her hair for her. "The nights we ran away and the mornings we came back together."He muttered, finger under her chin, lifting her head slightly up to make their eyes meet. "Always together."She said softly, the words barely leaving her lips. "Because we always found each other."She added, taking a step back from him as she walked towards the trailer. "We always find each other."He corrected her, seeing the smile form on her lips. "It's what made us perfect for each other."He added, unlocking the door as she stayed on her place in front of the door. "Nothing is perfect, Forsythe."She commented, wiping something off his jacket. "But with you it was because I didn't care about the bad things."

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