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"Alice, what are you doing here?"Sheriff Keller asked as she walked through the doors, ignoring the officer sitting behind the desk, trying to get her attention. "I'm to talk with FP Jones."She answered, arms crossed. "Haven't you written your article already?"He asked back, his eyebrow slightly raised. "I have."She answered plainly. "Is there a problem with me wanting to visit a prisoner, Tom?"She added. "Just the timing, Alice."He said back, gesturing at the officer behind the desk that it was alright. "Perhaps I should write a next article about this police station. How you are against visitors."She suggested, a small smile on her lips, making her way already towards the door, leading to where they kept their prisoners. "You have 10 minutes."He said, following her as he unlocked the door, opening it for her. "20."She said back, entering the room before he could disagree with it, closing the door behind her. 

"Alice Cooper, are you trying to bring up old memories?"FP's voice sounded as he stood up from the bed he was laying on, slowly walking towards the bars. "FP Jones, I think we're both than on the wrong sides."She threw back, a small smirk on her lips as she recalled all the times she had been sitting on that bed, waiting for him to walk through those doors. "Now tell me."She said softly, stopping in front of him, only the bars keeping them apart. "Did you really kill him?"She asked. "And don't bother lying to me, we both know you're bad at it."She added, noticing how he held the bars tight. "I don't have a choice, Alice."He answered carefully, thinking about his words, afraid what would happen if she found out the real reason he had confessed. She would get herself only in trouble then. "You always have a choice."She threw back, covering his hands with hers. "What are you doing here?"He asked, deciding to get away from that question, his dark brown eyes focused on their hands. "I don't want you locked up for something you did not do, FP."She answered, a sad smile on her lips. "You make it sound like you care about me, Ali."His voice sounded amused causing her to roll her eyes at that comment. "Always will, Jonesy."She said back, squeezing his hands as he smiled at the use of his nickname. "How long do you have?"He questioned, eyes going back to the door she had walked through, knowing that Sheriff Keller would be standing behind it, waiting for the time to pass before ushering her outside. 

"10 minutes left."She answered, blue eyes staring at him. "I know you did not do it but I know there must be a decent reason for you to take the blame."She whispered softly, leaning closer. "It's stupid."She added. "Tell me something I don't know."He muttered, leaning also closer, his head resting against the bars. "But I'll find a way to get you out of here."She whispered, her hands leaving his, to cup his cheek. "You don't deserve this."She added softly, feeling his stubble under her touch as he leant against her hand, eyes closing for a moment. "You shouldn't be here, Ali."He muttered. He had hoped for days that she would come here but they were no longer who they used to be. She was a northsider while he was a southsider. She had the perfect family waiting for her at home while he managed to break his family. His wife left him with his daughter while his son hated him now. "But still I'm here."She said back softly, looking at the door for a moment. "And I'll be here again and again till you're out of this place."She added, in a promise. "Don't."He whispered, looking up at her. "Try stopping me."She said, a soft smirk on her lips. "You'll come home."She added. "Where is home?"He asked softly, his hand slipping between the bars to take hers. His finger absently stroking the wedding ring around her finger. "With me."She answered, entangling their fingers together before leaning closer, her lips finding his, capturing them together in a tender kiss that showed all the emotions she had buried away. Feelings she had made herself believe that no longer existed but they always did, they never left. She always loved him and always will. 

"Get home to me."

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