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"Jug, are you sure your father isn't home?"Betty asked unsure, looking at the trailer they were approaching. "I don't think so and what if he is, we're just gonna study."Jughead answered, taking his girlfriend's hand in his, giving it a soft squeeze, calming her down with that simple gesture as he opened the door of the trailer to only be surprised by a black heel that laid in front of the door, clearly not of his father. "Don't tell me your father has a one night stand."Betty muttered in disbelief, peeking inside begging that nothing would happen, not that she really knew what to expect as this had never happened before. "Uhm...Maybe."Jug said softly, slipping inside the trailer to find the other shoe on the kitchen floor. "Oh god, Jug."Betty muttered as she followed her boyfriend but rather she would have turned around and get the hell out of here.
"You know, nothing bad could happen really."Jug said, throwing his jacket on the couch before sitting down, patting the place next to him as a sign for Betty to take a seat instead of standing by the door, expecting the worst.
"Relax, Betty, what on earth could ha..."His sentence stopped midway when the door of his father's bedroom opened and out came none other than Alice Smith wearing one of FP's shirts. "Mom."Betty said schocked, already connecting the dots to each other as Jughead stared at Alice with open mouth. He did not expect that at all...
"Ali, come back to bed!"FP yelled unaware of the situation outside his bedroom. "Uhm, FP..."She said staring at Jughead and Betty feeling suddenly very exposed. How was she going to get out of this situation. "You're feeling shy suddenly, babe?"FP asked, slipping out of his bed as he found her standing in the doorway not sensing that there was something as he wrapped his arms around, pressing a kiss in her neck. "Dad! Are you naked?!"Jughead asked horrified, turning his head away as Betty's turned completely red. This was not what she expected. Absolutely not, they came to study and look at them now! "Boy! Betty!"FP yelled in schock trying to use Alice as a shield to cover him, not that that made the situation any better as they had not talked about this. Well, this relationship thing between them...
"I can explain it."Alice said even when she really couldn't. How was she really going to?

"Mom, oh my god, really?"Betty asked, shaking her head as she pulled Jughead towards the door, not really wanting to be here anymore. "Elizabeth, don't look like that at me."Alice said back stern, crossing her arms as she threw her daughter a glare. "Look like what?You're fucking my boyfriend's dad!"Betty yelled, letting out her frustrations about this whole thing as Alice was slightly taken back by the attitude of her daughter to only hear FP replying to it in the typical way he did. "Well, we've been fucking longer than you guys are together."He said, a blanket around his waist to cover himself up quickly. "Dad, you're not really helping."Jughead quickly said, his hand on Betty's shoulder, trying to calm his girlfriend down. "Do you mean you've been doing this while...""Elizabeth, don't start about your father!"Alice warned, interupting her daughter, knowing all too well what was going to follow and she wasn't eager to hear anything about that. "What I do, is my bussiness."She added stern as she felt a hand grab hers, squeezing it softly as a sign that he was standing by her and would go through this together. It gave her the push she needed for the next words to leave her lips. "I love him, I loved him when I was young, I love him now and I don't think I will ever stop loving him. I'm not asking for your approval or anything. But I, I just love him."She said, whispering the last part. She had never said those words before and she could feel he did not expect to hear these words right now as he dropped her hand in slight schock, staring at the woman. "Do you love my mom, Mr. Jones?"Betty asked, watching her mother with curious eyes. She could see the sincerity in them and she had never seen her mother happy like that. "With everything I have, Betty."

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