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"No more loose ends."

"You really didn't have to give me a ride home."FP said as they silently drove to the trailer park from Pop's, her finger tapping the steering wheel. "You didn't have to get rid of the body."She said back softly, keeping her eyes on the road even when she wanted to look at him when she felt his eyes on her. "We take care of our own, Alice."He answered as if it was that simple. "I'm not a Serpent anymore, FP."She threw back, stopping the car in front of his trailer, turning around in her seat to face him. "You'll always be one."He said, covering the hand that was resting on the brake with his hand. "And I will always help you."He added softer as she just shook her head at that. How could he protect her? Why would he even protect her after everything that happened between them? She framed the Serpents for everything. "I did everything to prove you wrong that I was no longer a Serpent but yet you keep on saying I am."She said, trying to speak the thoughts that raced through her mind. "You still got that tattoo?"He asked with a raised eyebrow, his hand now on her leg right where the tattoo was located as she looked down at his hand before nodding her head. "Point proven."He whispered as he opened the car door, leaving her behind in her car. She wanted to drive away, leave him behind but there was this feeling in her belly that told her to step out of her car and follow him. But why should she?

"Do you wanna come in?"He asked, a smile on his lips as he turned around to look at her as she stood outside her car, uncertainty written all over her face. "Or should I leave the door open to give you time to decide, Smith?"He added, opening the frontdoor, hearing her approach as she just walked past him inside. "It's Cooper, you know it."She muttered, hanging her jacket over the chair as he just closed the door. "I know he isn't sleeping home, Alice."He said, slipping out of his leather jacket, throwing it on the couch as she took a seat next to it. "Rumors travel quick."She said softly, not looking at him. "You should know that as the best."He said back with a chuckle, taking a seat next to her. "Are their troubles?"He asked unsure, not wanting to push her into telling him anything. He knew it would be weird to talk about her husband while they used to...While they used to be something but he couldn't help but care about her as he could see the hurt in her eyes as she looked at him. "He cheated on me with Penelope."She murmured, ashamed of saying it. Her husband cheated on her. She left the Southside for a better life and created that and now, now she was showing him that her life was far from perfect and she couldn't keep pretending anymore. No, she wouldn't give him another chance, it was over with Hal... "He's stupid for doing that, Ali."FP said, taking her hand in his, slowly tracing over the wedding ring that was still around her finger, just to act as if nothing was wrong. "You should take a shower."She muttered, pulling her hand back as she stood up, not knowing what else to do to create a distance between them. A good distance that was safe between them. "Don't change the subject, Alice."He said back also standing up on his feet. "I don't want to talk about this."She threw back, turning around to face him. "I don't want those feelings to hurt me again, FP."She whispered as he closed the distance between them at those words, his hand lifting up her chin, making her eyes look at his. "Nothing is going to hurt you as long as I'm here...with you."He said softly as if everything had changed in that moment. And maybe, maybe everything had changed in that moment. Maybe this time they would stick together...

"I love you, Ali."

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