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Just us.

It was if it answered all her questions and made her doubts dissapear just by that simple word but it wasn't that easy and it couldn't be that easy. She damn well knew  that. Maybe that is why she built these walls around her straight away. "Do you really believe that?"She asked with a raised eyebrow, shaking her head slightly as she took her glass of wine off the table. "I do, Ali."He answered, following her into the kitchen. Could she really believe that? Look how her last relationship ended. Look how their relationship had ended... It left her broken and she just managed to build herself back up. "Why are you so afraid of this?"He asked softly, stopping in the doorway as she finished her drink, putting her glass down, slowly turning around to face him. Her blue eyes holding his brown ones. "The consequences, Jones."She answered simply just as the door opened. "I don't want a fight, Alice, I'm just picking up more stuff."Hal said as he entered his, well  he guessed it was still his house but he was more than surprised when he found none other than FP Jones standing inside his house. "What  is he doing here?"He asked looking at his wife as if she had done the biggest crime that existed by letting him inside, not that she cared about anything he thought now. "I came to see how Alice was."FP answered before she could, crossing his arms as he straightened his back. "You came to see if she wanted to fuck you mean?"Hal asked back in clear disgust. He had never liked him and he didn't think that would ever change. "Don't you talk about her like that."FP warned, trying to keep his self-control. "I'm just stating how I see it all."Hal threw back, his finger pointing at her. "She's just gonna act like the Southside slut she used to be." It was as if that one word had done it all. No one should ever call her that and he was going to show it him as the distance between them was suddenly closed, his hand grabbing the collar of Hal's shirt tightly. "Don't you call her that."He hissed low, holding tightly on that slight self-control that was left as Alice stood there in complete schock, not knowing what to do. "What are you going to do?"Hal asked defiantly which was his biggest mistake as suddenly FP's fist collided with Hal's nose, a cracking noise hearable as blood poured out of his nostrils. "FP!"Alice yelled in schock, going forward to stop them as Hal took that moment to throw a hit at FP, hitting him right against the cheek, throwing his head back. "Stop this now!"She yelled loudly, pulling them away from each other, fury visible in her eyes as she glared at the both of them. "I want you to leave right now."She hissed, not looking at them. "She is talking to you, Southside scum."Hal hissed, pinching his nose as blood was dripping down on his once clean shirt that was now slowly turning red. "I'm talking to you."She said back, glaring at him. "And I don't want to see you here ever again."She added as a warning, gesturing towards the door. "You're making a mistake, Alice."He said back, glaring at her. "Then I'm making a mistake but I don't care."She threw back feeling a hand rest on her lower back, giving her strength. "Now, get out."She added, showing that she wasn't going to change her mind, not in a hundred years as he left, not caring anymore about what he was coming to get as he left the house that was once his but where he was no longer welcome. 

"Ali...are you okay?"FP asked in a whisper as she slowly turned around to face him, her hand stroking over his cheek that was slowly turning blue from the punch he had received from her now ex-husband. "Can't get any better, Jones."She muttered, making up her mind in that moment. Maybe she was taking risks but life was just a leap in the unknown and for him she was willing to make that jump. "I want us."

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