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"Would you have another kid if you have a choice?"

It was a question she never thought about because she never had a reason to really think about it but as she was now leaning against the toilet after another morning sickness she realized that question had just received its answer in the most unwanted manner because she was absolutely not ready for this and didn't expect this. Even when she had three children herself, still she didn't read the signs from the moment they started appearing and now she was calling someone for help. "Alice?"Hermione's voice sounded as she knocked on the door of the bathroom. She had granted herself acces to Alice's home like she got instructed to, holding the item she had to take with her, hidden in her purse, almost like it was  gun or so. Even when she was sure she could give Fred a bigger heart attack with this item than with a gun. A click sounded as she carefully opened the door, finding her best friend sitting by the toilet, her blond hair a mess, teary eyes and a worn out shirt. "You look horrible."She whispered, stooping down next to her as Alice started crying again. "I didn't think about it, Mione, I didn't think it would happen again, look at me now. I'm old and I'm..." "Hold that thought, Jones."Hermione quickly said, holding her hand up before taking the pregnancy test out of her purse. "Don't make conclusions when you can first see if your conclusions are real. Now you know what to do, I'm pretty sure I do not need to give you instructions on how to use it but tell me when you're ready."She said, giving her best friend a tight hug that showed Alice all the support that Hermione had for her in this situation before she was left alone with the pregnancy test, granting her some privacy. She couldn't be making conclusions indeed but she was sure about it... 

"I'm done."She said after a while as the test rested onto the sink waiting for its answer. "You know it still can be wrong, I can get you an appointment with the doctor and get this sorted out."Hermione explained, an arm around Alice. "You're running head over heels now, Mione."Alice muttered with a hiccup, rubbing her tears away as they waited with clear impatience. "Did it always take so long for it to give you a result?"Hermione asked, checking the box as Alice just gasped staring at the two stripes on the pregnancy test, answering her conclusions. She was in fact pregnant...

"So..."Hermione said softly, looking at Alice next to her. She did not think her day would turn out like this, finding out her best friend was pregnant but it did turn out like that and now she was trying to see how Alice was taking in this news. "I'm pregnant."She muttered softly, picking up the test carefully, inspecting the two stripes almost like she wished one would dissapear if she stared long enough at that. "What am I supposed to do?"She asked, looking at Hermione who smiled softly at her. "Tell your man, I guess."She answered with a shrug. "He is supposed to know this news."She added. "What is he going to think? He doesn't want more kids...We are old...We are too old for this, we can't do this again, oh Mione what are we supposed to do? We can't be raising another kid, can we?"Alice said, rambling slightly as Hermione rested both her hands on her best friend's shoulders almost going to shake her to get her out of this rambling mess but changing her mind on time to just pull her in a comforting hug, feeling her break in her arms, tears forming wet spots on her dress as Alice's arms hung loosely around her. "You two are going to get through this, Ali, don't go thinking like that."She whispered, stroking the blond's hair almost like she always did when she comforted her daughter. "I'm gonna be right by your side through this all."

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