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"A few stolen moments is all that we share "

Her regular coffee in Pop's became more than once a day when she found him standing behind the counter, an apron tied around his waist as he listened to a customer not noticing her yet, sitting in a booth, trying to look busy on her laptop but her eyes always trailed back to him.

"You've got your family, and they need you there "

It had felt like ages ago since she last saw him and now she came back and back to see him and then go back to her family just like he did the same. Living their lifes apart.

"Though I've tried to resist, being last on your list "

"Another coffee break, Alice?"He asked, finally getting to her table as she nodded her head at that, looking up in those brown eyes of his. "It's a bit of a choas in the office."She answered with a shrug. "Troubles in paradise?"He asked with a raised eyebrow, filling a cup with coffee carefully. 

"But no other man's gonna do"

"Hal and I, we are on a break."She answered honestly, not looking at him as she rather did not want to see his reaction to this news. "He is not the right one for you, Alice."He said back plainly before making his way back to the counter, her eyes on him. 

"So I'm saving all my love for you"

Could he just plainly say that and walk away? As if she didn't know that her relationship with Hal wasn't what it used to be or how her relationship with FP used to be. No, her relationship with FP was something much different, nothing could compare to that and now she was staring at her ex lover.

"It's not very easy living all alone "

They both went home alone, to a house with memories, where their children were busy doing homework or just not home and they would spend the night alone between those four walls.

"My friends try and tell me find a man of my own "

She knew Hermione had suggested more than once to go and find a possible future man for her but the thought of someone new, didn't really thrill her. 

"But each time I try I just break down and cry "

Because they couldn't be him.

"'Cause I'd rather be home feeling blue "

And the truth is she always loved him. When they broke up, her love for him never dissapeared.

"So I'm saving all my love for you "

Instead she kept it close to her heart, a secret she kept but couldn't keep for longer.

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