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How she found out? She caught them...

Kind of...

And now she was sitting at the dining table, looking at a family picture that she always had put proudly on the hearth, making sure everyone could see it but now she rather wanted to break it and never see it again. They had a perfect family together, alright maybe they had some trouble but still how could he throw it away like that? 

She didn't understand as she had done everything to be the perfect Northside wife he wanted and now she sat here, waiting for Hal to come home from "work", while she knew work was spending time with Penelope Blossom. The Register wasn't going well, so she knew work was not what he was doing. "You're still awake, Alice?"Hal asked surprised when he entered the house, finding his wife at the dining table, teary eyes. "You're cheating on me."She whispered, heartbroken as she finally allowed her feelings to come through and show them. "You're cheating on me with Penelope."She repeated, growing angry suddenly about that fact. She couldn't stand Penelope and he knew that. From all the people he could have picked to cheat on her with, he picked Penelope. 

"Alice, darling, I..."He started ready to explain himself as she just shook her head. "I packed your stuff."She whispered, gesturing at the bags that he only now noticed in the room. "Are you throwing me out again?"He asked surprised as he only just had moved back in, on demand of his youngest daughter but now Alice did not care about what Betty wanted because she didn't want to see him again, not after this. "I am indeed."She said coldly, standing up from her seat, crossing her arms over her chest. "Surprised about it?"She asked with a raised eyebrow. "Betty wanted me to be here."He said back like it would change her mind as she shook her head at that. "I honestly for a moment don't care about what Betty needs, because my daughter does not need a cheating father in her life!"She said back, almost yelled, pointing her finger at the door. "Get.out!"She said lastly, picking up the bags as she threw them in his arms one by one. "If you can sleep with her, you can stay with her."She added, opening the frontdoor for him, showing that there was no way he was going to stay here as he just left, not wanting to discuss this more as Hal moved out for the third time and this time he was sure there was no making things alright between them.


How FP found out about this whole situation? 

Well that was quite simple as that night, Hal Cooper walked inside the Diner, carrying a bag with him as he took a seat in the farthest corner, looking at FP for a moment before calling someone on the phone and only a couple of minutes later, Penelope Blossom walked inside, taking a seat next to Hal and giving him a kiss on the cheek which made him already narrow his eyes, wondering what Alice would think about that to see how they held each other hands under the table almost like he wouldn't notice it while he did, watching Pop take their order. "Do you mind if I leave already?"He asked, scanning the empty Diner except for the couple sitting in the corner before looking at Pop who shook his head. "You can leave, I'll be able to handle it."He said back, dismissing FP who immediately left the Diner, stepping in his car and instead of driving towards the trailer park, he went towards the Coopers household, needing to know how Alice was and if Alice knew about it. 

He received that answer when he knocked on the frontdoor and she opened the door, holding a wine glass in her hand casually while raising an eyebrow at him before walking back inside, leaving the door wide open, a sign for him to enter the house which he did then, closing the door behind them. "You threw him out?"He asked carefully, noticing how all the family pictures were gone. "He deserved it."She muttered, filling her glass again, before turning towards him. "He cheated with fucking Penelope."She added, taking a sip as he leant against the dining table. "You don't deserve that. I don't understand how he could cheat on you."He said softly, watching her chuckle, throwing her head back before looking at him, her blue eyes studying him, holding his gaze. "He did it behind my back with Penelope, that is how he cheated."She explained almost like it was as simple as that which it was but in reality it made everything so much more complicated than it seemed and here she was now drinking away her sorrows while her ex looked at her questioning. "You know what I meant, Ali."He muttered, pushing himself away from the table to cross the space between them, taking the glass out of her hand as it seemed to him that she had already drank enough. "You deserve better."He murmured, putting the glass down. How could he explain something like that? To him she deserved the world but how could he put that down in words? "What is better?"She asked back, not even wanting her wine back from him as her eyes just held his. "Us."

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