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"It's okay in the day I'm staying busy"

She had the Register to fill up her now rather empty days. Both her daughters had better things to do then spend time with their mother and she didn't blame them for that. She used to be like them.

"Tied up enough so I don't have to wonder where is he"

Not that Betty didn't worry about her mother. She noticed the rather long days her mother spend in the office, away from just everything that happened outside.

"Got so sick of crying"

Alice would have simply ignored it, telling that it was a rather eventful week. But a week turned into a month that seemed to never end. She didn't want to go home because than she was alone...

"So just lately"

So she just kept working and working. To not let herself think. She would rather not sleep from all the long nights she spend on writing an articles than the nightmares that came back every night when she closed her eyes.

"When I catch myself I do a 180"

What else could she do? Take some more pills to push away the fears and the nightmares? No, she wouldn't go down that path. She wouldn't give them the feeling that she completely broke down. She wouldn't give them the satisfaction. 

"I stay up clean the house"

So she just kept keeping herself busy. Dodging the questions her youngest daughter asked, faking a smile to not have anyone worry about her. 

"At least I'm not drinking"

Some days she would think back about the days she had not met Hal. But those days hurt just the same, sometimes even worser, just to be faced with what she could have had but what she letted go. How stupid she was back then...

"Run around just so I don't have to think about thinking"

The sound of the door opening pulled her out of her thoughts as her blue eyes looked up, ready to greet whoever walked inside to find the words dying on her tongue.

"That silent sense of content"

She had not expected this. This moment. No, not at all. 

"That everyone gets"

She even thought it would never happen.

"Just disappears soon as the sun sets"

But here they were now. She seated behind her desk and he standing by the door. Eyes finding each other, trying to know how the other would react...

"His fierce in my dreams seizing my guts"

"Hello, Alice."His voice spoke, sending shivers up her spine, not knowing if those were good ones or not. "FP."She greeted back with a nod, focusing her gaze back on her laptop.

"He floors me with dread"

"Not happy to see me?"He asked, closing the distance between them as he sat down in front of her desk, his eyes not leaving her. "Why would I be happy?"She asked with a raised eyebrow, slightly shaking her head. "It has been months."

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