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How many weddings she had been to as a friend or just as a reporter, she couldn't count anymore.
But each wedding managed to set tears free and ruin her make up that was supposed to be waterproof. Where better to check the facts?
But now this wedding felt different to her.
"Should I get the tissues ready, Alice?"FP joked looking at her as she stood next to him in the city hall, receiving a glare from her but also a nod. "You shouldn't find this amusing."She muttered, taking the tissue out of his hand with a huff."I don't find it funny, I find it cute, Ali."He corrected her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "Don't get too comfortable, you two."Fred said amused from behind them, a knowing smirk on his face. "Oh shove it, Andrews."Alice threw back. "My comfortable wouldn't be appropriate here."FP said back amused which resulted with a slap from Alice. "I mean shoes out, walking around in my boxers."He quickly said with his hands up."Not everyone thinks like that immediately, Ali babe."He added with a wink as another huff left Alice's lips. "Your bickering brings me back to High School."Hermione said as she turned around to look at them. "Don't you ever regret all our truth of dares."She added with a chuckle. "Gomez, you sometimes had the dirtiest."FP quickly said, not that he himself hadn't confessed quite some dirty secrets. He had shared his fair amount and so had Alice when she proudly wore her Serpent jacket. "I still can recall some dares you two shared."Fred said with a smirk pointing at FP and Alice as Alice simply glared once again while FP couldn't help but to also smirk. "The good old times."He muttered amused before all of their attention was back focused on the couple standing in the front of the room. "Young and foolish..."


"I was absolutely ready for more tissues to get used, Ali."FP spoke as they made their way to Pop's where the party was taking place in the Speak Easy along with Fred and Hermione who seemed to be in a deep discussion. "I believe you could use some yourself, Jones."She threw back at him in her defense as he just chuckled at that, slipping his arm around her waist, pulling her body closer towards his. If anyone questioned it, they called it being close friends. But for him, it was more than just friends, like it always had. How much he loved her even after they broke up during High School, his love never seemed to fade. All their hookups afterwards, refusing to believe that what they had never dissapeared while he knew that he still and probably always will love the blond haired woman walking next to him. "Me?Crying, never."He said with a raised eyebrow just as the neonlights of Pop's came into their view. "Sure, you're a big boy and big boys don't cry."She teased with a smile, poking his side. "You're a tease, Smith."He muttered, rubbing the spot she poked with a pout causing her to only chuckle as Hermione and Fred both looked behind them at the two "friends". "You're having fun there?"Fred asked with a wink at FP who had admitted his feelings for Alice to his best friend, now slightly regretting it. "More fun than you two clearly. Never seen the both of you that serious."Alice said before he could interject. "We're discussing important matters."Hermione quickly said, giving Alice a glare. "If you like it, put a ring on it."She said with a wink, taking FP's hand as she pulled him with her inside Pop's leaving their friends with a blush on their faces. "Would you mind not singing that song anymore?"Was the last they could hear before the doors closed. "Mom!"Betty said once she noticed her mom before her eyes felt on her mom's hand that still held FP's. "Mr. Jones."She said next, slightly unsure just as Jughead joined them, noticing the hands straight away as he was not busy proclaiming his love for one of Pop's burgers as he simply raised an eyebrow at his father who took the hint, slipping his hand out of Alice's. "Kids."FP said with a nod as Alice just smiled at them. "I'm gonna get myself a wine."She said, wanting to get out of this rather uncomfortable moment to only be stopped by FP. "Let me get one for you, Smith."He said with a wink before leaving her alone as she cursed him under her breath. "You and Mr. Jones seem close."Betty said softly as Jughead left to speak with his father. "We are friends."Alice said back to her daughter with a shrug as Betty didn't seem satisfied with that answer. "Just friends."She repeated skeptical before an arm hung around her shoulder as she got joined by her best friend. "Who is using the just friends excuse?"Veronica asked curious, looking at Betty and than at Alice before being able to put the pieces together, figuring it out before someone could explain. "Oh my...god."She said schocked, trying to find the just friend in the crowd. "It's none of your bussiness, Elizabeth."Alice spoke sternly, straightening her dress. "Uh, it's my boyfriend's dad, mom!"She threw back. "Wait."Veronica said before Alice could say something back to her daughter, confusion all over the black-haired girl's face."You and Mr. Jones."She said carefully, almost wanting to look at Betty for confirmation even while it had already been given to her by the previous statement. "Well, that's surprisingly...cute."She muttered as Betty was now staring at her best friend confused, her mouth opening to close once again as her mother decided to leave them there, joining FP by the bar while Jughead made his way back to his girlfriend. "I knew they have been a thing during their High School years but I don't think my father ever stopped loving your mother, Betts."He muttered, still processing the conversation they had. "Do you think they will be a couple?"Betty asked unsure as she stared at her mother and Mr. Jones talking, both having a smile on their faces. "I hope so."Veronica said before Jughead could answer Betty's question. "I mean, they are hot together. Perfect couple material."

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