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"God damn I'm so nervous"

His hands held hers, leading her through the forest as she trusted him with everything, not doubting anything he would do.

"God damn I'm so small"

He could never understand really how she was so fond of him. He was...He was just some Southside scum, yet she stayed with him through everything they went through.

"Hope that you don't see the signs"

"Where are we going?"She asked softly, squeezing his hand as he chuckled at that. "It's a secret, Ali."He answered in a whisper, wrapping his arms around her waist for a moment looking down at her as she looked up at him.

"God damn I'm so worthless"

Those blue eyes shone in the moonlight making him again wonder how such a perfect person could fall for a broken one. She could have everything in the world yet she chose to stick with him.

"God damn I'm so gone"

He was so crazy about her and for her. Just when she smiled at him, he would do anything for her.

"Glad that you're with me tonight"

Just like she would for him even when he not really wanted to believe it.

"Hold me like the night sky holds the moon"

"I love you, Jonesy, you know that, right?"She whispered, standing on her toes to reach his lips, pressing her soft pink ones onto his, making his knees go weak as he held her tighter.

"Wrap me in your arms just like you do"

"And I love you, Ali."He whispered back against her lips, not wanting this embrace to end as it brought him solitude that he didn't know he needed till she handed it to him.

"Sing me something sweet and take me in"

"I love you so so so damn much."He repeated, placing kisses all over her face as she laughed at that, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'm so crazy in love with you."

"Lead me somewhere that I've never been"

"Show me this place now."She whispered, her blue eyes held curiousity, curiousity for what she did not know yet and for what he wanted to share with her.

"Stay with me"

And all he wanted in that moment was that these moments would never end.

"Stay with me"

That they would wander through Sweetwater forest everyday and still be deeply and madly in love with each other. All he wanted was for her to stay.

"Every time that you leave girl that I swear I lose my mind"

He waited every day for her text, telling him that she was at Pop's or at the Whyte Wyrm, telling him to come and get her and take her anywhere. 

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