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A/N: I want to wish all of you a happy New Year first! Second, I'm having my finals in a week, this is the reason why I haven't been updating this story recently (I'm dying inside). When you're reading this it means I have posted a new One Shot right under this Author's Note xd. As last I wanted to tell you guys that if you guys have something that you would like me to write about, drop them just in and I'll try to make them happen! So for now, I wish you guys the best and hope you'll like the upcoming One Shots!

"So instead of you drinking alone, we're drinking with two."Fred said with a smile clinking his beer bottle with FP's who was still surprised that Fred had decided to spend the last day of this year here at the Whyte Wyrm with him instead of with his son, who turned out to be celebrating the last day of the year with his friends but still Fred could have decided to spend this day than with Hermione, with who he was back together but no, Fred Andrews, wanted to spend this night here. "Don't understand your choices, Freddie."FP muttered, taking a gulp from his drink. "But I appreciate the company."He added, his eyes scanning the bar. Most of the Serpents were hanging out here as he spotted Toni and Cheryl talking by the jukebox in the corner of the room as Hog Eye was behind the bar. 

"Also seems like we're no longer with two."Fred commented, drinking the last bit of his beer before standing up from his seat, pulling FP's attention who only noticed now Hermione and Alice walking inside the bar, both looking gorgeous as Fred greeted his girlfriend with a peck on the lips and Alice with a hug. "Wasn't expecting you two here."FP said, hugging them. "I decided to make this one leave the house and where better to go to have a night out then."Hermione explained, gesturing to Alice before going to the bar to order herself a drink with Fred, leaving Alice and FP alone. "So, you were planning on staying home alone tonight?"FP asked with a smirk, his eyes studying her for a moment. She was looking more than gorgeous but to him she would even look gorgeous wearing a garbage bag as dress. "So, you were plannig on getting drunk here tonight?"She threw back, taking the beer bottle out of his hands as she took a sip from it. "You know you could order yourself a drink by the bar, Smith."He commented when she handed him the beer bottle back, a smirk on her red painted lips. "Shouldn't you do that for me, Jones?"She asked back just as Fred and Hermione joined them once again. "Whatever you wish for, milady!"He said with a bow, leaving the group as Hermione raised a curious eyebrow at that. "Mind to deliberate  what that was about?"She asked, wiggling her eyebrows. "Oh shove it, Gomez."Alice muttered with a slight blush on her cheeks as she watched FP by the bar, ordering something. 

The fact that FP was here made this night more intresting to her as she had to admit that FP knew how to make a night to remember. "Drink for milady!"FP announced, holding a glass in his hand, handing it carefully to Alice with a wink. "Tequilla, straight from the bottle."He added with a wink, knowing her favorite drink still after all those years as she smiled at that. "Isn't this night turning out to be amazing?"Hermione asked with a smirk, leaning against Fred who wrapped an arm around her waist. "Just like the old days."He added. "It would only be if these two hook up."Hermione corrected with a wink at Alice who turned fifty shades of red at that comment, wishing for a hole to appear in the ground in which she could jump and dissapear. "We can have amazing fun as friends, no need for hook ups."FP threw back, laying his arm around Alice's shoulders. "Can't we, Ali?"He added, looking down at Alice who was keeping herself busy by studying the drink in her hand trying to ignore the three pair of eyes on her as she quickly nodded her head. "Sure, sure."She muttered. "Friends to get drunk with."She added, holding her drink up as FP chuckled at that, feeling the discomfort as he pulled her closer against his side. "See, Minnie and Mickey?"He said, his eyes now on Hermione and Fred who exchanged a look for a moment, debating how true that statement would be once the alcohol kicked in. 

"Well, we're gonna dance!"Hermione said, pulling Fred on the dancefloor with her as Alice and FP were once again alone, still standing close by each other, his arm still around her shoulder. "You know I'm glad you're here. For a moment I thought I had to give Fred a newyear's kiss."He said softly, a smile forming on her lips at that as she looked up meeting his eyes. "I thought you said no hook ups?"She questioned with a cocked eyebrow causing him to shrug his shoulders at that. "Is that really hooking up?"He asked innocently, a smile on his lips. "Because you and me we always kiss without hooking up."He added with a wink as she pushed him lightly at that. "Not tonight, Jones."She said back, finishing her drink as she put the glass on a table, not realizing the two ways of interpreting her answer while FP was solely focussed on one possible meaning of it. "Well, you could simply ask me, Ali."He said amused, arms slipping around her waist, pulling her back against his chest, slowly swaying on the music. "What are you tal...Oh."She started, stopping her sentence when realization struck her. "Not like that, Jones!"She quickly said, trying to turn around to face him. "Why do you always make things so..."She added, trying to find the right words to phrase it as his eyes studied her facial expressions with a smirk. "Time for the countdown!"A voice yelled loudly as everyone started to count down to the new year. 


She wasn't going to kiss him, she told herself she would not date anyone till her life was back on the rails...


He wasn't going to kiss her if she didn't want to kiss him but he would really love to kiss her...


Even when it was FP Jones who looked ridiculously sexy right now in her eyes, not that he never looked sexy, he always looked sexy because well...He is FP...


Because she was looking extremely hot tonight, well always obviously, he would ask someone for back up but then he would probably fight them because they stared too long at her...


Just screw it.

"Happy New Year!"

Their lips met straight away and it was much more than just a new year's kiss...

"I told you we could make them kiss, Fred."Hermione whispered with a smile, watching the couple from a distance. "I believe you'll prepare dinner for a whole week now?"

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