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A headache was present making her wish to fall back asleep which did not happen as she just turned around in the bed before bumping against something or rather someone. "You're awake?"A soft voice asked causing her eyes to flutter open again to be faced by none other than FP Jones. Images of last night came back to her mind, all the fun she had, the genuine laughs, no worries but now... Now what? "You lost your tongue, babe?"He asked with a raised eyebrow. "Or you didn't expect this?"He added before she had the chance to answer. "Nothing happened if you worry about that. I can drop you off by your car."He muttered, slipping out of the bed, not giving her a moment to come up with something before he had left the room already. What was she supposed to say? Oh, she didn't know. But she didn't really want to forget this. What happened. Maybe she had to and go back to the life that was waiting for her at the Northside but here, here she felt more at home than all those years spent in her so called home. Was that right? That's not how it's supposed to be, is it? 

"Do you have a clean shirt or something?"She asked unsure, standing in the doorway of his bedroom, watching him lean against the kitchen counter, drinking a cup of coffee, not even looking at her. "I'll see."He muttered, putting down his cup before passing her, making sure not to brush against her as if he found this to be a mistake. "Here you go."He said, giving her a white shirt before wanting to walk back out of the room to only feel how fingers wrapped around his wrist, stopping him. "Are you going to give me the cold attitude, Jones?"She asked with a raised eyebrow. "You're going to leave. What am I supposed to do than?"He asked back, crossing his arms over his chest. This is how it is supposed to be. Just like that. Maybe it felt as if they could belong together but it wouldn't happen... He was sure of that. She had everything, the perfect family, the perfect job, the perfect house... And he had none of these things really. His family had fallen apart, it was just him and Jug and that was his family. Nothing compared to hers. "Talk to me, FP."She answered, her hand grabbing his chin making him look at her, a pleading look in her eyes, needing him to talk to her. "I need to hear you say that I have to leave if that is what I'm supposed to do."She added now unsure. Would he tell her to leave? And won't they ever talk again after that? Would they go back to pretending they hate each other? Would they just be nothing? 

"I can't tell you to leave, Alice."He said softly, trying to look away causing her to wrap her arms around his neck, pulling him in a hug, one she didn't know she needed till her arms were around him. One he needed also as his arms sneaked around her waist, holding her closer. "Then don't let me."She whispered, her head resting against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. This, this felt right, standing here in his trailer, in his arms. It felt like coming home...

"Then I won't let you, Ali."

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