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We still could be....

Could they? Could they really? Because she didn't see it yet but the feeling of his lips onto hers was enough to make her believe in anything. His lips were like a remedy to her that she did not know she needed till it was presented to her. He was her addiction. Something that was bad for her but she just needed more of it. He was that for sure but now she wasn't sure anymore if he was really something bad. Maybe she was bad. 

"Is it good that you're deep in your thoughts, Ali?"He asked carefully, cupping her cheek in his hand, his thumb stroking her skin, sending electricity through her whole body causing a shiver to run up her spine. "Perhaps it is, Jones."She answered not anymore feeling the alcohol in her body. Did she even really drink? "Perhaps I'm considering it."She added with a smile, her hand resting on his. "I'm not sure that the fact that you take so long to consider it, is something good."He said back unsure. "It's good."She quickly said, making his doubts dissapear as she placed a soft kiss onto his lips. "Maybe we can indeed make this work out."She added, her lips hoovering over his. "But we first need to get divorced and then we need to tell the kids about it."She whispered, her forehead resting against his. "But till then can I kiss you?"He asked with a smile, feeling once again young and perhaps even crazy in love. Because in love he had always been with her even when they weren't anymore together. But crazy he was again now that was once again in his reach. "And hold you close?"He added, seeing her eyes twinkle at that. "You can."She answered, waiting for him to close the distance again between their lips which he did straight away, enjoying the feeling of her lips against his, her hands that rested on his chest, holding the fabric of his shirt tightly in her grip almost like she was afraid that this all was some sort of illusion and if she didn't hold on enough, he would slip away from her while his arm was around her waist, pulling her closer towards him, almost pulling her onto his lap as both of them didn't care about the other people in the bar seeing them together. Not that Hog Eye who had stopped cleaning the bar didn't expect this. He would have bet his money on seeing them back together because everyone could see that if two people were meant to be together, they would be and they were the perfect example for that.

Now to tell the rest about it, was something different. The first thing he did was sending his divorce papers to Gladys in hope she would sign them without any complains. While Alice had to have this conversation in person with Hal, something she was absolutely not looking forward to but something that had to happen. She was seated at the dining table the divorce papers in front of her with her signature already present on the papers when she heard the frontdoor open as Hal casually walked inside, not expecting anything to happen except for Alice to apologize and ask him to come back home. "What is this, Alice?"He asked, staring at the papers that she shove towards him. "I want to get a divorce, Hal. This is not how a marriage should go. You're not happy and neither am I."She explained, laying a pen on the paper. "How do you know I'm not happy?"He asked skeptical, picking up the pen. "I know you have an affair with Penelope."She said plainly, finally admitting it out loud, that that she tried to drink away last night till her only true remedy came to her. "How do you know?"He asked confused before figuring it out himself. "Cheryl..."He muttered, shaking his head. He should have expected Cheryl to spill the beans but still getting divorced would do something to his reputation. One he wanted to keep as clean as possible. "She told Betty. Our daughter had to hear from her cousin that her father is cheating on her mother with her aunt."Alice said, not hiding even how disgusted she actually was with it because saying it made it even sound more strange than it already was. "Did you ever think about our daughter?"She asked softly, staring at him, wanting nothing but a honest answer from him. "Don't act like you're the best mother she can have."He threw back, reading the papers in front of him. "I never said I am the best mother but I damn well try my best to give our daughter a good home unlike you, who goes fucking around because of a single discussion."She said coldly, standing up from her seat. "And where will you go now?"He asked rather curious. "I don't know and that is the fun thing about it!"She answered, slipping in her jacket before picking up her purse. "When you're done signing those, send them to our lawyer."

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