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Oh how it filled his body as he watched her dance with another serpent, throwing glances his way just to make sure he was seeing it all and he was, he really really was seeing it all and it made him fumingly mad. "You're turning red almost."Fred said jokingly, leaning against the bar. It was weird for him to be at the Southside in a bar filled with serpents but it was a party and FP stood on it that Fred went with him, just to put his mind off his problems for a moment. "She is doing it on purpose."He muttered, taking a sip of his water as he had promised to not drink again and he was keeping that one even if it was a hard thing to do, especially now. Now it was proving to be difficult. If he had a fight with that serpent he couldn't blame it on the alcohol as he normally would do and than he would have to admit that in reality he was just very jealous. 

No, he was not going to admit that. "What you gonna do about it?"Fred asked, taking a sip from his drink as Hog Eye chuckled at that, having noticed the scenario also. "He's cursing his promises probably."He commented, filling FP's water. "More than you can imagine."FP said with a groan as he noticed how she wrapped her arms around the serpent's neck. Why did they even have a fight? He couldn't remember really but now he was regretting having any fight with her and wanted to go up to them, wrap his arms around her waist to pull her closely against him and kiss her like there was no tomorrow. Things he couldn't do as he was being stubborn as fuck. "Hello, Fred."She said when she came to the bar for another drink, smiling at Fred with a bright smile before turning to Hog Eye who had her drink already ready. "Hello, Alice. I see you're having a good time."Fred said, hearing FP groan once again next to him just at the mention of it. "I'm having quite a decent time indeed, how about you? Seem like you have been stuck to this bar from the beginning of this party."She said back taking a sip from her drink, clearly ignoring FP who was fuming now even more about the fact that she was subtly ignoring him. He was jealous and now he was also mad. "You know me, I'm more a watcher than a participant."Fred answered with a shrug, remembering all the times he and FP had hung at the bar, watching everything unfold. It was always how parties went for them when they went to one together. It was as if FP wanted to behave himself by not fighting with anyone so he stuck with Fred by the bar while Fred was just not really a dancer. He rather made music than dance to music. There was that difference he always pointed out. "I remember."Alice said with a chuckle, finishing her drink. "I'm going to enjoy the night some more but I see you later."She said, not really questioning if he was staying longer as she just assumed it but before she could dissapear between all the people on the dancefloor, FP's hand wrapped around her wrist, stopping her from getting away from her. "Stop this game of yours, I warn you, Ali."He whispered low, sending a glare at the serpent that was watching them, waiting for Alice to return. "What game, Jones?"She asked innocently, pulling her wrist out of his grip. "I don't know what you mean."She added, not dissapearing on the dancefloor but waiting for him to comment back. Oh how she was fueling him and she darn well knew that. "You damn well know what I mean, Smith."He hissed. "You're mad because of our fight and now you're trying to make me jealous."He explained, done with the games she was playing as she raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm not mad, I'm having the time of my life."She said back with a smile as he growled at that. "Don't."He hissed, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her flatly against him. "Don't do this, Ali, I don't like it."He muttered, finally admitting what she had been waiting for as her smile only grew at that, resting her hand against his chest, feeling the beating of his heart under her touch and his heart was going crazy. "Say it then."She whispered, leaning closer towards him, to whisper in his ear. "Admit it."She added softly, feeling how his grip tightened around her. "I love you, you tease."

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