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"What are you waiting for?"FP asked, confused as why his wife was sitting in the living room, eyes focused on the frontdoor. "Waiting for my mom and your dad."She answered with a soft smile, confusing him even more. "My father isn't coming back, babe."He muttered, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he went towards her, placing a kiss in her hair. "You'll see, Jonesy."She said, patting the place next to her on the couch as he took a seat just as the door swung open, laughter hearable causing the smile on Alice's lips to grow. "We're gonna tell them, just not right away."Susanna said, not noticing two pair of eyes focused on her. "But why not?"Another voice said as FP tried to place the voice before realisation hit him, his lips forming an o as Alice just chuckled. "What do you need to tell us, mom?"She asked causing her mother to finally notice them. "Shit..."Susanna muttered as Forsythe Sr. peeked from behind the door. "Dad!"FP said slightly schocked but not entirely as his dad just smiled sheepishly. "Well, guys, we need to tell you something."He said, earning a glare from Susanna. "That you two finally got through the sexual tension and made your minds up?"Alice asked with raised eyebrow. "Because that is quite obvious. But not that I do not want to have a conversation about it, it's just that you two know not to worry."She added, standing up. "Wait, I didn't know!"FP quickly said, staring in disbelief at everyone in the room. "Honey, I already knew that."Alice said back with a chuckle. 

"It's...oh nevermind."FP muttered, standing up as he dissapeared in the kitchen, ignoring the gazes that were on him. "I'll talk to him."Alice quickly said, going after him. "Jonesy, what's wrong?"She asked as he turned around to look at her. "I don't know, babe."He muttered, rubbing his temples. "I'm just...I'm happy for them, really."He continued as she closed the distance between them. "But..."She said, raising an eyebrow as her hand rested on his shoulder. "Isn't this going to be so complicated?"He muttered almost as if he didn't want to say but yet he did it. "How about us and the kids than?"She asked back. "Their parents are also dating and they did not mind it..."Their conversation stopped when their parents entered the kitchen, looking curious at the two of them. They could not really ignore this conversation but yet FP would rather save this one for another time. Or perhaps never but then again, he should just get it over with. "I know it's not usual."Susanna started carefully, thinking about her words and how to put it so gentle possible. "I'm not mad."FP quickly said, looking at his father especially. "I just need to wrap my head around it. I mean you and..." "Your mother and I left on good terms, son. I know it's strange but could you give this a chance?"Forsythe Sr. asked sincerly. "It will be difficult and possibly hard but this feels good, this feels right and I want to see what this will bring."He continued, wrapping an arm around Susanna as Alice stared at her mother and FP's father. "I'm alright with it."FP said with a nod as he felt Alice's hand taking his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I'm quite happy for the two of you." "We're happy."Alice added quickly with a smile. "But just don't ever give me details."She quickly said, frowning simply at the thought. "Babe! I was not thinking about that!"FP said in pure disgust as their parents just laughed. "You mean about last night?"Forsythe Sr. asked with a wink at Susanna who blushed furiously. They were not going to mention last night and here he was just throwing it on the table for God's sake! "DAD!"FP exclaimed, shaking his head as he left the kitchen in utter schock quickly followed by Alice. "Really, you had to say that? They're warming up to it and you bring up our love life already!"Susanna said, slapping his chest as he just chuckled at that. "I didn't mention how many times you..." "No! You keep your mouth shut!"She said interupting his sentence. "Make me."He said playfully just earning a shove of her. "Piss off, Forsythe!"She muttered. "It's not what you said last night!"

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