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"Shine and rise, sleeping beauty!"A voice called out as the blankets were thrown of her body making her shiver from the cold, a groan leaving her lips. "Get lost, Jones."She hissed, feeling around for the blankets which seemed to have really dissapeared. "The doctor said to keep a bedtime schedule!"He said back, pulling open the curtains. "Just an extra hour won't hurt a soul, you know?"She murmured grumpily. Why was he even here? Why did he decide that someone needed to look out for her because she was doing fine on her own but no now that man was always around making sure she woke up around 10 am and that she went to sleep around 11 pm. Not to forget about all the rest!

"C'mon, Ali babe."He said softly, trailing his hand up her arm that she used as a cover from the sunlight that now peeked through the window. "I made breakfast. And you can get a good steaming hot cup of coffee."He added, trying to get her out of bed by offering her coffee which was slightly working as she was really longing for some coffee since yesterday evening but no, the doctor said to not have caffeine past noon... Really why did she faint? All the fucking trouble she now went through because of it. Or why didn't she simply just fainted at home not right in front of FP? "Alright, I guess I'm just going to drink all that coffee alone...Till there is none left for perhaps someone else..."He said slowly as she could hear his footsteps going for the door. "Fine!"She called out as the footsteps stopped and she was so sure there was a smirk plastered on his face. "I'll wait downstairs for you, princess."


"Just what do you think you're doing, babe?"FP asked as he stood in the kitchen doorway watching her fill a glass with some wine. "Getting myself something to drink obviously."She stated, putting the wine away but when she tried to grab for the glass she had just filled it was gone. "The doctor said to reduce your alcohol intake."FP said with a shake of his head, ready to drain away her wine. "Jones, I swear to God, don't you dare!"She warned, pointing her index finger at him as he just raised a simple eyebrow. "Babe, I'm just saving you some trouble."He said as if that made everything better as he emptied the glass. 

"You're insane!"She hissed, throwing up her arms as she stormed out of the kitchen. She was slowly but surely turning insane, here alone with him the whole fucking day, no it was almost a whole month! And that man did not leave her alone for a minute. "Ali, don't get your panties in a twist. I'm just helping you out."FP said as he followed her in the living room. "You're not helping me out, Forsythe. You're making me lose my bloody mind!"She spatted, letting out a deep breath to calm herself down before sitting on the couch. "Honestly, I believe in a couple of days or some you'll see I did you a huge favor."He commented as he made his way behind her on the couch, his hands on her shoulders as he started to slowly massage them. She really wanted to tell him to piss off but it kinda felt good... "I don't see that happening."She muttered, relaxing under his touch. "Where on earth is Betty even?"She asked suddenly, trying to stand up to only feel how he held her in place. "She went somewhere Jug."FP answered plainly with a shrug of his shoulders as she turned around to look at him. "It's almost 11 pm, she should be home right now."Alice said, searching for her phone, frowning when it seemed to have dissapeared. Where the hell did she put her phone? She had it before she went for some wine. It was here on the coffee table... "So?"He asked unbothered by this. "Jones, they should not be out this late!"She said irritated, patting the couch in hope to find her phone here. 

It couldn't have dissapeared really...Unless...

"Jones, where is my phone?"She asked slowly, turning around to glare at him. "You know that you should refrain from electronic devices right before bed, don't you?"He asked with a raised eyebrow. "Give.Me.My.Phone!"She hissed, getting up as she made her way around the couch towards him. "I don't think I will, you see the doctor...""I don't care what the bloody doctor said!"She yelled angry, almost stomping her feet in frustration. He was so insuffferable! "Well, you should care."He muttered, crossing his arms. "Because you're winding yourself up and you're supposed to be calm before you go to bed."He added, gesturing at her. "Okay, okay. But if you just give me my phone than I promise I will calm down and do something relaxing perhaps."She suggested, holding out her hand as he just chuckled at that. "No no, Ali babe. I know you."He said with a shake of his head. "You will not relax if you get that phone of yours. You will wait till Betty answers and I'm sure they will be very very late back. Or maybe they will stay at my trailer."He added. "They will not do such a thing!"She said, going towards him. If he was not going to give her her phone willingly than she was just going to take it. "Ali, as if you did go home in your young years."He said with a smirk. "That is not the same."She hissed with narrowed eyes. "Because Smith, I know what you did back then and it was no sleeping."He said with a wink causing her to groan. "Just give me my phone."She said, gesturing for it. "It's gonna be a no for me I think."He said back, acting as he thought about it for a minute which he obviously did not do and it turns out that late in the night, he had for sure lost his mind because otherwise he would have given her her phone. "Don't you test me."She hissed, stepping closer. "Oooh, feisty Ali. I love it."He teased straight away, dodging her when she leaped for him. "Give it to me."She said slowly, taking a couple of steps closer towards him as he took some back but soon finding the wall behind him. "Seems like you have cornered me, babe."He stated with another wink. "Just imagine all the naughty things..." "Oh, babe, that's not the right pocket."He said with a gulp before finishing his first sentence as her eyes grew big at that. "Fu...You know what, I don't need it."She murmured, taking a step back, creating some distance between them. "Yeah, I think that is the best. No heavy uhm...activities before bed."He said back rather unsure, scratching the back of his neck. "What! I was not...I was not. I was trying to get my phone."She said, pointing at him. "Yeah, well you almost got something else."He stated receiving a glare from the woman in front of him. "I'm going to bed."She said with a shake of her head, going for the stairs to only feel how she stopped by the first step, turning back around to look at him. "Because you know, no excercising before bed."She added with a wink, hearing the groan leaving his lips as she went upstairs.

"You're going to be the death of me, woman."

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