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"I'm well capable of changing a light bulb myself, Forsythe."Alice said, taking the light bulb out of his hands before carefully standing on the chair she had placed right under the lamp. "I was just trying to help, Ali."He said back, holding the chair steady as she reached up, getting the broken bulb out of it, handing it to him. "But I must say I'm not minding the view down here."He added with a smirk on his face that she could hear in his voice causing a huff to leave her lips at that comment, not that she expected anything less from him. By now she was quite used to those sneaky remarks of him that would leave her all flustered. "Can you reach it?"He asked as she tried to stand on her tip toes. "I'm not that small, Jones."She answered barely managing to put the bulb in it before carefully turning it till it was secure. "See, I told you."She said, rubbing her hands on her skirt before the doors suddenly got thrown open, startling the living hell out of Alice causing her to lose her balance. "That was not what happened, Jug!"Betty yelled, entering the house as Jughead followed closely before they stopped, staring at FP and Alice laying on the ground next to a fallen chair, Alice right on top of FP, whose hands held her. 

"Do we want to know?"Jughead asked staring at them. "It's not what you think, boy."FP quickly said, letting his hands fall from Alice's hips as she crawled off him. "Yeah, right."He muttered, shaking his head softly. "We were changing the light!"Alice said, gesturing at the light. "But it doesn't work, mom."Betty said, turning on the light to see how it did not turn on as Alice looked confused up. "I just...How on earth..."She muttered, looking at FP who held his hands up. "I told you to let me do it but you knew how to do it."He said amused as she picked up the chair, placing it back under the lamp before climbing back on it. "I was sure I had turned it enough."She muttered, reaching out for the bulb. "Wait, Alice."FP said but before Betty had turned the switch back off she had turned the bulb already as the lamp turned on this time, warmth spreading through her fingertips causing her to pull her hand back quickly from the sudden heat. "I told you to wait, Ali."FP muttered, helping her back down. "I still fixed it."


"Forsythe, if you even suggest I can not do it, I will murder you."She murmured, poking his chest with her index finger as a warning before opening the front of the car, feeling really confused about all the different parts that were there which she may have not expected as FP leant against the car casually looking at her amused, knowing she did not know a thing about it. "I know Betty can do this but are you sure you can?"He asked, hearing how she tapped her shoe at that comment, giving him a glare. "Don't understimate me, Jones."She warned, leaning over the car, trying to determine which part must be broken. "Mom, what are you doing?"Betty asked, noticing her mom and FP standing by the car. "The car doesn't start and your mother is sure she can fix it."FP explained, crossing his arms. "Do you need help?"Betty asked, coming closer as Alice held up her hand at that. "I know what the problem is. Have a little faith in me, will you."She answered, carefully turning something to only feel how air blew in her face as she pulled back, bumping her head against the car hood rather harshly as FP jumped up at that, his arm around her waist. "You okay, Ali?"He asked carefully. "I'm fine, I'm fine."She muttered, rubbing her head. "Betty can you take a look at it before your mother tries again?"FP asked looking at Betty who nodded her head immediately, putting her bag down. "I got this."She said with a smile, watching how FP led her mother back inside the house. "Are you only going to allow me to help you when I put a ring around your finger, Alice Susanna Smith?"He asked, closing the door behind them. "Maybe."


"You know what, I won't even try to stop you, Alice."FP said, sitting down on the counter as Alice opened the cupboards under the sink before carefully crawling in it, facing the piping of the sink. "I like the sound of that, Jones."She said, feeling around for the screwdriver that she had laid on the ground. "Could you please give me the screwdriver?"She asked, her hand feeling around, not finding it. "There you go, Ali."He said handing it to her. "Why is it even not working anymore."She muttered, trying to loosen the screws on the piping. "I don't know, Alice, because you won't let me take a look at it."FP said back, taking his seat back on the counter. "Is she trying to fix something again?"A voice asked as FP turned around to find Betty and Jughead standing in the kitchen door, looking at Alice amused, who was muttering under her breath. "Put the emphasis on trying."FP said with a smirk. "What, are you saying there?"Alice asked loudly, finally getting the screw out of it as she carefully removed the piping to feel how something dropped on her as a yelp left her lips at that. "What was that?!"She asked loudly, crawling quickly out of the cupboard. "What happened?"FP asked amused as he stooped down next to her. "There felt something out of it."She answered, taking a look in the cupboard for whatever had fallen on her. "What?"Betty asked curious as she got closer along with Jughead. "I don't know."Alice murmured, feeling around in the cupboard before her hand touched something. Her heart stopped beating for a minute waiting for it to move or something but it stayed still as she carefully picked it up. "It's a..."She murmured, pulling her hand out of the cupboard holding a ring between her fingers, confusement written all over her face. "What is this?"She asked softly, looking at FP who had a smile on his lips. "Exactly what it looks like, Ali."He answered, taking her hand in his. "Alice Susanna Smith, will you marry me and let me fix from now on everything that is broken?"He asked, taking the ring from her as he moved from his position, resting one knee on the floor. "Yes!"Tears streamed down her face as he slipped the right around her finger, placing a kiss on her hand, a smile on his lips as she smiled back at him, pulling his face towards her, kissing him in his lips. "I love you, Jonesy."She whispered. "I love you to, Ali."He whispered back, resting his forehead against hers. "The sink wasn't broken, was it?"She asked softly a smile on her face. "The sink was absolutely fine."

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