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Her heart had been beating rapidly ever since Betty came with the news of FP Jones' release from prison. She had been following it closely, studying every proof of evidence, listening again to his hearing but nothing seemed to have a spot where she could break it down and get him free. That was till now... Somehow he got free and it was still something she could not understand but she did not complain as she looked how the gates slowly opened granting him the freedom he deserved as the first thing he did, was to hug his son before greeting him and his girlfriend. "Alice?"He asked as she stood by the car, crossed arms trying to not show how happy she was to see him. "Is it true what they say about men who have just been released from prison, FP?"She asked, holding his eyes. "What do they say?"He asked curious. "That they're incredibly sexually frustrated."She answered plainly, noticing the smirk forming on his lips as Betty and Jughead just stared at her in disbelief for making that comment as they entered the car while Alice went all around the car to get to the driver's seat, sliding in quickly. "Seatbelt, Betty."She ordered as she just put her seatbelt on, giving FP and Jughead a gaze which told them to do the same as all three of them quickly did their seatbelt on before she started the car, driving to Pop's in complete silince. No words were exchanged as everyone was just happy.

Her eyes went to the backview mirror looking at Betty and Jughead who were softly talking with other, Betty's head resting on Jughead's shoulder while he drew figures on her leg, both not paying any attention to their parents which did not go unnoticed by FP who took this moment to slowly slid a hand on Alice's leg. Eyes telling each other a story that they did not dare to speak loudly with their children closeby. A soft smile forming on her lips as her hand took a moment to cover his, giving it a soft squeeze before they turned on the parking lot of Pop's. Betty and Jughead already leaving the car once it stopped both quickly entering the Diner to get a booth for the four of them as Alice took her time, collecting her stuff, granting her and FP some alone time. "I missed you, you know."He whispered, his eyes trying to find their children who took a booth not by the window, more in the middle of the Diner which did not give them a view to the parking lot. "I missed you to, Jones."She said back, a smile on her lips as she turned in her seat, facing him decently. "How did you get out?"She asked softly, finally speaking the question that had been on her mind for the past hours. "I don't know, Ali."He answered, taking her hand in his. "All I know is that I'm glad it happened."He added, leaning closer towards her, capturing her lips in a soft kiss. "Now that nothing is keeping us apart."He whispered, lips pecking her neck. "Except for our lifes, FP."She murmured, wanting to push him away but her body did not wish for that as her head turned softly, granting him more access to her neck. "Leave him."He whispered, breath tickling her skin. "It's not that easy."She whispered back finally having the strength to push him away. "You're married and I am. We can't just ignore that."She added before opening the door, slipping out of the car. "We can change it."He said back, closing the door on his side, leaning on the roof to look at her while she locked it. "You make it all sound so easy, Jonesy."She muttered, shaking her head lightly, putting her keys in her purse. "And you make it difficult, Ali."He threw back, taking her hand, pulling her back to him. "Give it a second chance. I bet we can work it out."He whispered, hands resting on her waist, holding her close to him. "If I do, I throw away everything I have build for myself here."She said softly, blue eyes meeting dark brown ones. "You told me, my home was with you. I want us to build that home together because it sounded fantastic to me. But I can't do it alone. I need your help with it."He whispered, letting go of her. "Know that it kept me sane in prison. The thought of us."He added softly, walking towards the entrance of the Diner, leaving her behind to register his words. Register the way how he made us sound. He made it sound so perfect, like it was meant to be. He said it how she wanted it to be back in high school. How she wanted them to end...

She needed it and every part in her body knew it. Every part in her body screamed to just kiss that man and never let him go again! But she just couldn't do that. She first had to put everything on a row, take care of everything before she could do it...

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