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"You left him, did you?"Hermione asked just as Alice slid down in the booth of Pop's, raising an eyebrow. "No hello, how are you?"She asked, putting her purse down next to her. "And I did indeed."She added, answering her question as her eyes for a moment traveled to the counter where none other than FP Jones stood, cleaning some glasses, deep in his thoughts, his own world. "Is it because he is fucking Penelope?"Hermione asked, taking a sip from her milkshake. "Can you even say it more bluntly?"She asked. The fact that he did made her feel so stupid as she had not seen it come. How even? How could she be so blind? 

"I'm sorry. I'm just going straight to the point, you know me."Hermione explained, waving at FP for an order as he quickly made his way towards their booth. "Ladies what can I get you?"He asked, taking out a small notebook. "I would like a burger with some fries."Hermione answered as she looked down at the menu. "And what about you, Alice?"He asked next, looking at her as their eyes met, making her focus her attention on the menu causing a smirk to form on her lips. "Just a coffee, black, no sugar."She said, folding the menu back. "That's all?"He asked which made her look back up at him. "You have some suggestions?"She asked, challenging that smirk on his face. "I can suggest you a lot, babe, the question is if you want it."He answered with a wink. "I don't know what I can possibly want that you have, Jones."She said back with a raised eyebrow as Hermione watched the pair in curiousity. She really found their attraction towards each other something special. It was rare to find that. And maybe it made her slightly jealous as she did not have that with her husband and she didn't think she would ever find it. "Trust me, Smith. I know exactly what you want."He said before leaving them alone to take care of their orders. "May I have a knife to cut this sexual tension?"Hermione asked with a smirk on her lips as Alice just rolled her eyes at that. "Don't make it bigger than it is, Gomez."She answered, her eyes drifting back to FP who she just caught looking at her.  "Oh, really? I mean you both were secretly dirty talking."Hermione said, pointing at her and than behind her towards the counter. "Not a single bit ashamed that I was also sitting here."She added as Alice snorted at that. "Don't act so innocent, Hermione."Alice said before looking back up as FP made his way towards their booth carrying a plate with a burger and fries and in the other hand a coffee. "Ladies."He said, greeting them with a smile as he put it down on the table. "Why don't you join us for a moment, FP?"Hermione asked, recieving a glare from Alice at that. "Well, for you two I can make an exception."He answered, waving at Alice to shove to the side, giving him some space to sit as Hermione just smiled at that. Seeing them back together made her wonder why they ever grew apart. It was obvious to her that those two were just made to be with each other. "So how are you, FP?"Hermione asked, starting the conversation. "I'm alright, how are you?"FP answered, throwing the question back as he threw a glance at Alice who clearly kept some space between them almost as if she was afraid to be close to him. "I'm fine."Hermione asked before also looking at Alice, wanting an answer out of her. "I'm doing quite okay."Alice answered, deciding to keep herself busy by stirring her coffee. "Okay it doesn't sound like good to me, Ali."FP said back, intrested in what has happened to her lately. He couldn't help but be curious as rumors had caught up with him. Rumors about her breakup with that asshole of a man. "What are you fishing for, FP."She asked, raising an eyebrow finally looking at him. "Nothing specifically. I just care."He answered, a hand rested on her leg. "I think I need to use the bathroom, I'll be back in a minute."Hermione said, slipping out of the booth to leave the pair alone, giving them some time to talk, just the two of them. "Now what do you really want, Jones?"Alice asked, turning around in her seat to face him. "Knowing how it really is with you, Alice."He answered, taking her hand in his. "You heard it, didn't you?"She asked softly, not accussing him of anything, no. She was just dissapointed that she was not the one to tell him. "Everyone heard it, Ali."He answered honestly, a sad smile on his lips as if that could comfort her. "Aren't you going to tell me you told me?"She asked, slipping her hand out of his grip. "At the end, you always said it."She added. "But I never wanted anyone to break your heart, Ali. You don't deserve that."He whispered, a feeling aching in his body that just wanted to pull her close and hold her, tell her that everything was going to be alright. But he couldn't. They were friends and he wanted more. "You broke my heart."She muttered, taking a sip from her coffee. "And you broke mine."He threw back. He could feel how she was building the walls back up and he didn't want that. No, he wanted to break those and never let her lock herself up, lock her emotions up as if they weren't important enough to be discussed because they were, they were to him. "Can I?"He asked in a whisper, his brown eyes pleading her to let him even when he did not tell her what he wanted. "What?"She asked with a raised eyebrow. "Can I stick your heart back together, Ali?"He asked, answering her question while completing his. "I don't know if you will be capable, Jones. It has been broken quite a lot."She answered, feeling his hand stroking her cheek. "Let me heal it and protect it."

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