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Why was she here, she didn't know. You could blame it on a feeling inside of her that pushed her to come here after her conversation with FP. Was it curiousity? Perhaps... Or maybe it was longing for what she lost for she left in the past and wanted to bury. But seeing her daughter perform the snake dance, stopped her in her tracks, seeing her make the mistakes she once made...For what? A boy. 

"Alright, Coyote Ugly. Let's go."She said, taking her daughter's arm to only feel how she pulled away. "No, I'm staying for Jughead."Betty answered straight away not even looking at her mother, whose eyes scanned her surroundings. "Elizabeth, you're coming with me now."She repeated, trying to be stern. "No, I'm staying."She answered back, pulling FP's jacket closer around her. "Well, I can't."Alice muttered, her eyes trailing to FP once again who stood on the stage. "Not again."She added softly, turning her back towards them as she made her way for the doors, feeling eyes on her which she ignored, throwing open the doors as her breathing became unsteady, leaning against the wall for support. 

She shouldn't have come, it was a mistake. A mistake she repeated without thinking about it. Well, she thought about it but her mind hadn't been working decently she guessed as she stood here now outside the Whyte Wyrm, ready to drag her feet to her car and ride back to the safity of the Northside but she seemed stuck. "Don't make the same mistakes again, Alice Smith."She muttered under her breath, rubbing through her hair. No... She turned around her back facing the parking lot before she once again entered the bar, her blue eyes scanning the crowd before they fell on FP standing by Jughead taking a shot as her heart stopped beating as Serpents cheered for their King while she pushed her way through them as took another glass out off his hand before he could down it, her eyes piercing him and if glares could kill hers would have killed him right there. "I won't let you make the same mistakes."She hissed low, making her way towards the bar, putting the glass down as she felt him following her. "You don't need to look out for me."He said back, wanting to take the glass as she slapped his hand away. "Think about your son, Jones."She warned, gesturing at where Jughead was standing. "Think about our conversation."She added. "You were ready to walk out again, Smith."He threw back, his hand taking the glass before she could stop him. "Do it, Forsythe. But I came back."She whispered softly. "When you leave this bar, you go back to your Northside life. My life is here in the Southside with the Serpents."He said softly, putting the glass down. "The only one I have is Jughead and he got himself in trouble."He added, brown eyes staring in blue ones. "You're not alone, Jones."She whispered, her hand gripping his, giving it a soft squeeze. "You shouldn't care, Ali."He said softly, stroking her cheek gently, a sad smile on his lips. "It's a stupid thing to do."He added, placing a kiss on her forehead before he turned his back to her, walking through the crowd, up the stairs to his office in the Whyte Wyrm as she stared at the place he stood. It was a stupid thing, indeed. But it was something she did no matter what. 

And she guessed that that was the reason why her feet carried her up the stairs when no one was paying attention. Why her fist knocked three times firmly on the wooden door before it opened as her arms slipped around his neck, hugging him tightly. "I don't care if it's stupid, Jones."

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