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"Alice, Ali..."FP warned staring at the little baby in Alice's arms as she stepped slowly closer. "Hold Dagwood for me, please."She said, her eyes going to Juniper who was crying loudly in the crib wanting some attention also. "I...I don't know anymore how to decently hold them. What if I drop them?"He said, wishing for Betty or even Jughead to walk through the door and save him from this situation but as always when you needed someone, they were absolutely not going to turn up. "You won't."She reassured him, carefully placing Dagwood in his arms. "See you're doing just fine."She added with a soft smile before going to Juniper. "Well, as long as it stays quiet."He muttered under his breath, his eyes focused on the little baby in his arms, staring back up at him, almost in a challenging way, which probably would be true. He was sure that baby was challenging him in this unsaid battle of who would kill him first if something happened. "I bet your grandmother and than your mother."He muttered causing Alice to look up with a raised eyebrow as she held Juniper in her arms. "What was that?"She asked curious. "Nothing."He quickly said, taking a seat on the couch, holding his eyes on Dagwood whose little hand suddenly shot up, touching the stubble on his chin. "Ali, you got some competition."He said, a smile finally on his lips as she chuckled at that. "Are you suggesting that I need to be scared that my little grandchild will run away with you, FP?"She asked, sitting down next to him. "Just saying, she loves the stubble."He answered with a smirk just as the door opened. "Have they been good?"Polly asked as she and Betty entered the house, shopping bags in their hands as she dropped them quickly coming towards the couch. "They've been little angels."Alice answered with a smile, looking down at Juniper just as FP carefully handed Dagwood to Polly. 

He did like to hold the little troublemaker but he was playing on safe and didn't want to do something wrong. "Hello, my beatiful angel."Polly whispered a bright smile on her lips as FP slipped in the kitchen, getting himself a mug of coffee, a well deserved one. "Can you bring their bottles, FP?"Alice asked loudly once she noticed FP had dissapeared knowing all too well where he was then. "On my way, Ali."He yelled back, warming them up before bringing them to the living room to find Betty holding Juniper now as Alice stood behind her. "F..."All three of their heads turned out at the sound that little Dagwood was making, who seemed to be trying to say something. "What was that, my angel?"Polly asked curious, taking the bottle from FP. "FP!"Dagwood suddenly said loudly, hands clapping together as FP stood there in utterly schock. The first word of that little troublemaker was his name?

"Yeah, right, that's me!"He said finally getting out of his schock as he sat down next to Polly. "Say it again."He said happily, wanting to hear his name again as Dagwood reached out for him. "He likes you."Polly said softly, handing Dagwood back to FP as Alice stood there, a smile on her lips at seeing FP so happy. "Wasn't that a nice first word, troublemaker?"He asked, tickling Dagwood's belly who immediately grabbed his finger in his tiny hands. "Couldn't have picked a better first word if you ask me, don't you think, Ali?"He asked, looking up at Alice who shook her head at that. "It's quite a surprise."She said softly as FP tried to get his finger free. "F.....Fffff....FP!"Dagwood yelled again, squeezing his finger tighter. "Still need to work on the pronunciation but we're getting there."He said amused, his eyes finding Alice's. "You first meet them and Dagwood says his first word."Polly said with a smile, handing the bottle she was holding to Betty. "Do you want to feed him?"She asked. "Oh no, that's a step for later."He quickly said, handing Dagwood back to Polly who couldn't help but to chuckle at that reaction as he stood up. "That's for our next date, troublemaker."He added with a smirk, an arm slipping around Alice's waist, pulling her closer towards him. "I hope you don't mind sharing, Ali."

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