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Now, it felt like they had declared the war and all Alice and FP could do was watch it unfold and secretly taking bets who would lose their minds first and both of them agreed that that would be Alice's mom who seemed to be more irritated everyday.

"Alice!Alice!"Her mother called, slamming the kitchen door shut, startling her daughter who just turned off the tap, turning around swiftly to look at her mother who was gesturing towards the door. "Do you know what that man did now!?"Her mother asked, waving her arms around in the air while all she could do was to raise a curious eyebrow, knowing that she was going to tell it anyway, no matter what she said or did. "You know he has a name, do you, mom?"She asked, drying her hands on a towel as her mother just huffed at that. "I'll use it if he learns to behave himself."Her mother threw back. "Now, he put his filthy shoes in front of my door."Her mother added, explaining why she was so mad now and all she could think was what that really all? She may have expected something worse because yesterday he walked naked from the bathroom to his bedroom and her mom ended up witnessing it. "On purpose!"Her mother quickly added as if it had so much effect as she couldn't help but chuckle at that, shaking her head. "It's better than what he did yesterday, don't you think?"She asked back, feeling her mother's gaze on her back. "I'll make him leave, I swear to God!"Her mother hissed, leaving the kitchen as she leant against the counter, watching the closed door and maybe even enjoying the moment of silince that she now had but before she could fully enjoy it the door opened once again but this time she was greeted by FP Sr. who walked inside with a smirk on his lips. "Gave my mother a couple of more grey hairs?"She questioned as he opened the door of the fridge "Perhaps but I'm sure she can mask it well."He answered as he took a beer bottle out of it. "I'm glad you're not as crazy as your mother."He added with a wink just as his son walked inside, looking behind him as a sigh left his lips. "Dad, I swear, try to get along with her because she is driving me crazy."He muttered, gesturing towards the door as he went towards Alice, pecking her lips as an arm slipped around her waist. "She is just crazy, son."FP Sr. said with a shrug as the door swung open again, indicating who it was as Alice's mom walked inside, clear fury in her eyes as Alice quickly grabbed FP's hand, passing her mom quickly leaving her alone with his dad. "You're insane!"She called out, grabbing an apple out of the fruit bowl throwing it towards him as he quickly dodged it. "Says the woman who is throwing with food!"He threw back, dodging another one as he put the bottle of beer down, crossing the distance between them as he took her hands in his. "Get your filthy hands off me."She hissed through gritted teeth as a smirk formed once again on his lips. "You know, Susanna, some say hate can turn easily to love."He said with a wink causing a huff to leave her lips, pulling her hands free. "You're crazy."She muttered, taking a step back. "And so are you, crazy about me."

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