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It would be a lie if he said he didn't care. How he tried to act like he didn't care but now here he was standing in front of the doors of the Sisters of Quiet Mercy, well that was what it was used to be before the whole town became more crazy. Crazy, doesn't even describe it all. His leather Serpent jacket hung around his shoulders, showing his true skin while his thoughts were going insane. Was this really the brightest idea they could come up with? Couldn't there be another way? Just less crazy than this one? Or would they be simply wasting precious time? Maybe this whole plan wouldn't even work out right and all their effort would be in vain. "Let's get our Queen back."He muttered, feeling Hog Eye's presence behind him along with the other Serpents who wanted to help him out. If only Betty had said sooner what was about to happen than maybe, oh even just maybe he wouldn't have been so stupid by letting her walk out of his life again. He could have kept her from joining that cult of crazy people. 

"Let's go!"Jughead said loudly as some of the Serpents kicked in the door, granting us entrance as we all went inside, checking every room while Jughead and Betty went ahead, going to the room where she had last seen her mother, hoping with everything in her body that they were on time. She lost her father even after all he did, it still hurts because she could go to him when her mother wasn't there but now all the family she had left was involved with the farm. "What're you gonna do when we find her?"Hog Eye asked softly, knowing all too well they hadn't worked out that part of the plan. "Get her to leave with her daughter."FP answered plainly because he had absolutely no idea what to say to her or what he in fact could say after their last conversation. "And you?"Hog Eye asked with a raised eyebrow. "We'll see."FP answered quickly, noticing Betty and Jughead standing by a closed door, both discussing something before Jughead nodded his head, motioning for his father to join them. "They're here."He whispered, a hand on Betty's waist as they took a step back, letting FP open the door to indeed find everything of the farm inside with Edgar Evernever and Alice in the middle of the room, holding hands. "FP..."Her voice sounded, the name leaving her lips rather unsure. "You don't belong here, Alice. Your daughter needs you."He said, pointing towards Betty who stayed by the doorway with Jughead holding her close to him, protective. "This is where I belong. This is my home."Alice answered, a smile at Edgar who squeezed her hand. "Alice for God's Sake, they're not helping you!"He said back in clear frustration. "They don't care about you! They don't understand you!"He yelled, his eyes on Edgar who simply raised an eyebrow. "Like you understand me, FP."She said back, her blue eyes not even looking at him. "He was also my son, Alice."He said softly, taking a small step closer towards her. "Don't forget that."He added, feeling how the rest of the Serpents joined them. "This is a private building, you have no bussiness here."Edgar finally spoke, his voice steady as he wrapped an arm around Alice whose eyes finally found FP's. "If you have ever really loved me, Ali, you'll come with me."He whispered, his eyes pleading her to leave this so hell hole and follow him outside. "You can't ask such a thing from me, FP."She said back, feeling Edgar's arm around her more possessively while FP eyed her with emotions in his eyes she did not think she would see again. "It's simple, Ali. I'll be waiting for you outside, Smith."He answered, gesturing at the Serpents and more specifically at Jughead and Betty to leave as he followed a bit later after them, needing her to see how real he was about this. "Are you really walking away like that to wait outside, Jones?"She asked loudly, stopping him as he slowly turned around, raising an eyebrow. "Must I carry you outside, Smith?"He asked. "Because I will gladly do so."He added with a smirk when he noticed the small smile tugging at her lips, already revealing her answer to him. 

"Alice, you can't leave like this."Edgar warned as she slipped away from him. "Boy, if you really know her, you would know that you don't tell her what to do, farmie."FP spoke holding out his hand for her which she took. "Are you ready to leave this cult behind, My Queen?"He asked with a bow as a chuckle left her lips. "With you, I am."


A/N: Updates are not that regular anymore like some may have noticed and I feel the need to explain this as the last two chapters appeared so quick after each other. But I'm currently at a hospital dealing with my mental health for now almost 3 months. Sometimes when I feel good, I'll update a lot but times when I feel like shit, I can't even manage to do anything. These One Shots are like the only thing holding me slightly up at the moment when I see the comments on them and how many people actually like them. So I hope you guys enjoy this one shot that I had to write after seeing the last episode. Enjoy it!

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