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She was picking up the pieces of her old life, putting it back together but leaving certain pieces out of it. Things she didn't need right now. She was gonna take a fresh start. Divorced. Single. What else could be better? She left the Register behind her, not needing it back from that scumbag of a Hiram Lodge. He could find himself a new reporter. No, she would never work for that man. So, that is how she, Alice Smith ended up behind the counter of Pop's, working there till she found something else. She needed an income and well this was one. Also she had seen her daughter here more than at home. So that was an extra positive thing. 

"Ali."A voice called as she rolled her eyes, turning around to face FP Jones, hanging through the window of the kitchen holding out a plate with a burger. "It's Alice and you know that."She hissed, taking it from him. This, well this was the negative thing. She was working together with her ex and he knew how to push the wrong buttons with her.  "Don't get your panties in a twist, babe!"He called after her as she went to the booth who had asked for a burger before going back to the counter, sending a cold glare at FP who still stood by the window. It was a real shame that there were almost no customers because that meant he would try everything to start up a conversation with her and that was absolutely the last thing she wanted. She was happily single and that was staying the way! "C'mon, Alice."He pouted, leaning through the window to grab her wrist, stopping her from just walking past him like she planned to do. "Why can't we talk like adults?"He asked softly as a huff left her lips, pulling her wrist free from his grasp. "Because you're a dick, Jones."She answered coldly. "Okay, that was pretty painful to hear but I admit it. I've been a dick more than a dick possibly but you can't ignore me for the rest of your life."He said back, leaving the kitchen to stand with her behind the counter, making the distance between them dissapear."I can try my best."She threw back, her eyes going to the clock, wishing for her shift to be over. No, she was not having this possible conversation with him. "You don't want to ignore me forever."He muttered slightly unsure. "You can't."He added as she took off her apron, not looking at him. "That's my problem, Jones."She said softly. "I always let you back in and you always manage to break me more than the first time."She added, refusing to show her emotions as she bit the inside of her cheek. "I..."He started, trying his best to find thr right words. "No, you left me for her. For the woman who ran away from you, took away your daughter!"She said, stopping him from saying something. "Do you know how it hurt? No, you don't because you just fucking left me behind for that woman. I gave you my all and you threw it away like it was nothing."She summed up, shaking her head as he stood there with a mouth full of teeth, not knowing what he could say that would make this all better. He hurt her. He left her indeed for Gladys. He broke her heart. He was an asshole. A huge asshole. He knew sorry could not fix this. A word could not heal what he had broken. 

But what could? 

"And you didn't even realize how much you hurt me."She added softly. No, she didn't want to have this conversation still her feet were keeping her there almost as if a part of her wanted to know what he could possibly say back to that. Was there something she wanted to hear? "I'm stupid, Alice."He muttered, scratching the back of his head. "I know that, Forsythe."She threw back, making her way for the door to only see a hand stopping her from opening the door as she turned around, facing him again, not realising how close he stood to her as she could feel his breath on her face, the scent of his colonge filling her nostrils. Those dark brown eyes held her blue ones, begging her to not run away. But her eyes had done the same once before and he left. So why should she stay? "Let me go."She said, trying to sound stern yet hearing how her voice broke a little. "You don't want to go, Alice. You don't want to, do you?"He said, asked. He didn't know anymore. Maybe he had ruined it all like he usually does when something good happens to him. "You're not sure of that."She said back with a raised eyebrow, leaning against the door. "Doesn't that say enough, Jones?"She asked, noticing the uncertainty in his eyes and she took advantage of it, not showing her own doubts. "Let me leave with a heart that is just healed."She muttered, her hand resting on his chest, wanting to push him away but she could not put the force behind it. Neither could she behind her words. "It's not healed, Ali."He said back, covering her hand with his, holding it against his chest. She could feel the beating of his heart under her fingers, she felt the warmth from his body and his breath was caressing her cheek. "Give me a chance, one last chance."He added, forehead resting against hers, a tear rolling down his cheek. "Am I the one who needs healing or you?"She asked back as tears filled her own eyes. Was she willing to take the risk? 

It was stupid. She would always take the risk for him. If it meant she could be in his arms for the rest of her life or for how long it would last this time. She always jumped without thinking. And she would jump anytime for this.

"I think we both need."He whispered, pulling back from her to look at her once again, noticing the tears in her eyes as his hand cupped her cheek, thumb stroking over her skin. "Maybe we can heal each other?"He suggested unsure. The question was asked or said, one of the two but he could feel the tension between them as the answer was forming in her head and doubts were filling his. "Promise to not leave me."She whispered, grabbing his other hand to give it a soft squeeze. "I wouldn't dare, Ali."

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