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It felt weird coming home. Because her home didn't belong to her anymore and it wasn't really home anymore. It was a part of her past one she may like to forget but her youngest daughter stood on it, that her mother would come home with her. The house that was once known as the Cooper's household was now the Jones' household. Maybe that is how it should have been always. But that is a maybe and maybes we can't answer because they are questions unspoken, questions we wonder about perhaps even dream about it but knowing the answer...the dream mostly stop at that moment and you're left to wonder what would have happened but you would never know.

"Are you alright, mom?"Betty asked slightly worried about her mother. Was she really alright after everything that went down. After all she shot Edgar. "I'm fine, Elizabeth."Alice answered, passing her daughter to knock on the front door before her thoughts could stop her from doing that. Before the worries and the doubts would have overclouded her mind. "Welcome home, Alice."FP said as he opened the door, greeting her like that as she stared inside. Somehow it looked so different but still felt the same. Was she really coming home? Or was this just temporary? Shouldn't this be a temporary solution? "Hi, Mr. Jones."Betty said, greeting FP before slipping past him to join Jughead and Jellybean on the couch. "Are you coming inside?"FP asked unsure, looking at her as her eyes finally met his. "Yeah, sorry."She muttered, entering the house that held so much memories as he closed the door behind her. Memories she hated yet held close to her. Memories she tried to supress but really couldn't. Her feet led her straight to the kitchen, giving herself some space from the kids and FP but he decided to follow her right away, feeling that there needed to be a conversation just about this whole situation. They should really talk, shouldn't they? "How are you, Alice?"He asked as he opened the fridge taking a coke out of it, looking at her the question in his eyes as she shook her head as an answer to that question that he didn't ask, closing the fridge. "I'm alright, FP. I wanted to thank you for letting me stay here."She answered, leaning against the counter. "It's the least I could do."He said back, studying her. "Isn't this weird?"She asked softly, a sigh leaving her lips. "It's as weird as we make it."He answered with a small smile before walking out of the kitchen leaving her behind to ponder over these words. Wasn't this already weird? They could indeed make it even weirder but she wasn't going to let that happen. No, she was going to find something new and move back out because this was not how it was meant to be. "I'm going to sleep, goodnight."She said as she entered the living, looking at them sitting all on the couch, focused on the television. "Goodnight, mom!"Betty answered, turning around to look at her. "Yeah, goodnight, Mrs. S"Jughead quickly followed as Jellybean just smiled and nodded her head softly. "Do you want me to come with you?"FP asked already wanting to stand up as she quickly shook her head. "I can find it on my own, FP."She answered, going up the stairs before he could protest. She needed to keep a space between them. A space that held them both safe. Safe from the hurt that could possibly follow. "It's just temporary."She muttered, entering the guestroom that was not how she remembered it to be but what could she really expect? Nothing really stays the same.


Her heart was beating fast as she woke up, shooting up in her bed, gasping for air. She shot him, she really shot him. She actually killed someone. She could try to talk it right by telling that he was doing the same to her but still it didn't take away all the guilt she felt in her body, thinking about that. She pulled the trigger. She did it. No one else. She knew she had to do it but yet...it haunted her, that moment on the roof, guns pointed at each other, waiting for the first shot to be fired and she ended up to be the quickest.

She slipped out of the bed, wrapping a nightrobe around her before leaving the room, not knowing what she was looking for but she needed something. She just let her feet carry her and before she knew she stood in front of the door of the main bedroom. His bedroom. Her knuckles touched the wooden surface three times, not thinking about it. She needed his comfort. "Alice?"He asked, half asleep as he opened the door, finding her in the hallway. "Can...Can I stay with you?"She asked softly, looking inside the bedroom not focusing on the fact that he was just wearing a boxershort. "Sure."He said, stepping aside to let her enter the bedroom as she went straight to the bed sitting down on it. "Do you wanna talk about it?"He asked softly, sitting down on the otherside of the bed, his back resting against the bed end as she laid down on her side, looking at him. "Just a nightmare."She answered, hugging the pillow. "Just a nightmare?"He repeated questioning. "It's not important."She said back, wanting this conversation to end but he didn't want to let it go that easily. "It's keeping you awake, Ali."He threw back with a raised eyebrow as she thought about it. Did she really want to talk about it? No. But would he let it go that easily? No. "Can we please not talk about, FP."She whispered, crawling closer towards him, her arm wrapping around his waist, showing that she needed to just be hold as he laid down, wrapping an arm also around her. "If you want that, Ali."He murmured, turning the light off as he held her tightly as her head rested on his chest. "Goodnight, Jonesy."

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