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A/N: there was a problem with the order of my chapters which is normally fixed now (*crosses fingers*) Also there was a request for a part 2 of the previous one shot. So here you go, hope you like it! Now I need to study or simply prepare my funeral (Opting for funeral on the moment)

Veronica sat quietly in the booth in Pop's with Jughead eating his burger, a burger that had all his attention which made her wonder if he may have some food kink perhaps which wouldn't even sound so ridiculous for him, Betty who was staring at her milkshake like it could show her the future or how to forget certain things that happened and Archie was...Well Archie was being Archie which meant he was still trying to wrap his head around everything that went down.

"Okay, I can't take this silince!"She exclaimed loudly, pulling the attention to her. "I've been quiet for now 10 minutes which is ridiculous because I need to talk about what I, we saw back there!"She said as Jughead clearly cringed at that, shaking his head. "Don't bring it back up."He muttered, laying his burger down on his plate. "I'm losing my appetite."He added as a black eyebrow shot up at that. "You were literally eating while Pop was scrubbing blood off the floor!"She said back. "But I won't mention it, no, I'll keep my Chanel coated lips on each other and won't mention that your parents are obviously doing the dirty if you know what I mean."She finished as Jughead shove his plate away while Betty stared at her best friend, clearly getting the main picture. "Oh god, V!"She gasped as Veronica held up her hands. "Just saying my mother is also screwing his father and do you find me, eating it away or simply ignoring it? No, I went in and just discussed it."She said back to only hear a chuckle leaving Archie's lips. "You got a Gucci handbag out of it."He said as she threw him a glare for missing her point. "Well, you gotta take some advantages out of the situation."She murmured, thinking now about her handbag. "And also it has nothing to do with what I was talking about."She added quickly in her defense. "Slightly maybe."Jughead said back, picking up his burger again. "You just made me realize I can get a lot of free lunches out of this."He added to only get a push from Betty. "Jug, you lose the point. Our parents are dating!"She exclaimed loudly to only see how her boyfriend shrugged his shoulders. "They have been eyefucking each other ever since your mother made that comment when my dad got released from prison."He said back, bringing up the facts as both of them had noticed then the sudden change between their parents. "But...""There is no but, B. They are like vanilla meets chocolate, spice meets sweet. They are like my new favorite duo and I thought I had seen it with Cheryl and Toni!"Veronica said, interupting Betty from saying something back. 

"Speaking of which, I believe Archiekins and I have sudden bussiness to attend, see you later!"She said, pulling a confused Archie up who understood it once he saw the two people who had entered the Diner. "Hi, Ms. S and Mr. J."He greeted the two parents with a grin. "Have a wonderful day, you two!"Veronica added. A part of her wanted to sit down in a booth close by to hear every word of the conversation that was about to take place while the other part wanted to grant them privacy even when she kinda uncovered the truth about this Romeo and Julliet scenario. "I want to hear every detail!"She called out before leaving the Diner with Archie. "I so needed something like this to happen."


The student lounge had been quiet for almost now 15 minutes as Veronica stared at Jughead and Betty, sitting on the other couch, clearly having a conversation with their eyes. "Okay, I don't know if it's too soon to talk about but I'm dying!"She exclaimed dramatically. "I am also."Kevin added crossing his legs as he looked at Jughead and Betty with a bright smile. "I need more details than Veronica told me."He added as Betty threw a glare at Veronica who held her hands up in her defense. "I had to tell someone and that someone ended up being Kev, a.k.a. my gay bestfriend."She explained, patting Kevin's leg. "I feel like you only want to hear certain things."Jughead muttered, not really wanting this conversation to take place but he was pretty sure that Veronica would turn him insane by not stopping about it. 

"They are a thing, okay."Betty said quickly as a cheer left Veronica's lips. "Jug and I, we are still trying to come to terms with it but they are still together if that's what you want to know."She added, looking at Jughead. "Oh my god, I'm so in love with this."Veronica said happily, leaning against Kevin. "I never realized how much I needed this..."

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