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"Could you promise someone to love them forever even when you only know them just?"

It was a question she had asked him when they first met in the Whyte Wyrm, sharing a drink together at the bar under the careful eye of Hog Eye who watched the couple talk even when they were only a minute ago strangers and now they were sharing a drink like they have been friends for a long time. 

Now he was sitting on that same spot at the Whyte Wyrm, staring at the empty seat next to him, remembering the way her serpent jacket hugged her body in the right way, how she would rest her hand on her knee to stop her leg from trembling when a silince was between them or the way she bit her lip when she thought about something he had said. "You're staring in the distance."Hog Eye said as he put another beer in front of FP, watching the Serpent leader with a careful eye as FP just looked up, shrugged his shoulders and then took the bottle between his fingers taking a sip from it absently. "Some bussiness."He muttered as an excuse, not wanting to admit that he was thinking about a certain person that was now living happily at the Northside. 


"Do you believe in true love?"

He had asked her when they sat together in Pop's, sharing a chocolate milkshake as he turned the straw towards her, letting her take a sip before she could think about the question. They had sat in the booth in the corner, facing each other as they secretly held hands under the table, not showing their love openly yet.

And now she stood by the counter waiting for her order to take home and have a meal with her family as her blue eyes looked at the booth in the corner like it held so much memories, while it only held one special to her. "Your order, Alice."Pop said, pulling her out of her thoughts as she smiled at Pop, putting the money down on the counter. "Are you okay, you look like you've seen a ghost."Pop commented carefully, not wanting to push the limits at her patience as she just shrugged her shoulders. "Busy at the Register. That's all."She answered, watching him put the money away as she let her gaze wander back to the booth. How young had they been? 

She believed they were sixteen at that time when they first realized how deeply in love they were with each other from the moment they met in detention. "A lot of gossips you caught?"Pop asked curious, knowing all too well that she was a pro at finding the good gossips in Riverdale as she just looked at him with a smile. "You shall see."She answered before leaving the Diner, leaving her thoughts about a certain Southsider in there.


"I love you."

They had both admitted, laying in the dirty trailer that he called home, staring at the ceiling as if they were gazing at the stars while her fingers traced figures on his bare chest while his arm was wrapped protectively around her. 

"Mom, are you with us?"Betty asked, snapping her fingers in front of her mother's face who looked up at that, looking at her daughter and then at Jughead and the center of the sudden memories who was seated on the couch, leaning back as he held the blond haired woman's eyes who had been focused on the bedroom door like he knew what she had been thinking about. "I'm sorry, what?"Alice said softly, taking the cup with coffee from the table, taking a sip from it. "I was explaining everything, mom? How could you not pay any attention to it?"Betty exclaimed, pinching the bridge of her nose as FP stood up at that, walking towards where they were seated as he stopped behind Alice, resting his hands on her shoulders. "I think we all had a rough night and should call it a night here."He said, squeezing her shoulders slightly, ignoring the curious gaze their children gave them as she couldn't help but to relax under his touch. "Let's go to Pop's."Jug said, standing up as he slipped in his serpent jacket, handing Betty her jacket as a sign that they were leaving as they left the trailer. "You were thinking, Alice?"FP asked, sitting down in front of her as she finished her coffee, standing up. "I should go also, I still need to do the dishes."She explained, taking her jacket but before she could put it on, he had pulled it out of her grip, throwing it on the couch before pressing his lips to hers. 

"I love you."

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