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His eyes had been focused on her from the moment she stepped inside the Diner, taking her usual seat by the door, a cup of coffee next to her laptop as she was reading something. "You're almost drooling, FP."Fred Andrews joked amused causing his friend to pull his gaze away. "Shove it."He muttered cleaning the bar for a moment even when it wasn't dirty. He just had to do something otherwise his eyes would travel back to her. "You know she and Hal aren't together anymore."Fred said softly in a suggestive tone. "And you should have seen her back by the party for the Lodge Complex."He added, getting FP's attention with that. "Gold sandals, jumpsuit in a red snake print, a very deep cleavage and a golden snake necklace to top it off."He summed up as FP was back again staring at Alice who just pushed her glasses higher up her nose. "It seems I always miss the best parts."He muttered, having damn well heard that Alice had looked damn hot during that day. 

Perhaps it was good he was in jail or he may have ripped the clothes off her body, not that he even wouldn't do it on the moment. It was just something about that woman that got to him. Maybe her teasing all the time or their long gazes at each other. "Why don't go and talk to her?"Fred suggested turning a bit on his seat. "No, I'm busy."FP said at that, looking back in the kitchen at Pop, who was waiting for an order. "Hey, Alice!"Fred yelled, pulling Alice's attention as she cocked an eyebrow at him. "What is it, Andrews?"She asked just seeing how FP punched Fred's shoulder, cursing his friend in that moment as he managed to not pull Alice's attention ever since she entered the Diner but here Fred had to change it. "FP wonders if you still have that jumpsuit."Fred said with a smirk just as FP took a sip from his drink almost choking on it, glaring at Fred as Alice seemed rather amused with that. "Maybe he should come and see it for himself then."She suggested, holding FP's gaze as she stood up, walking towards the bar, holding her cup coffee in her hand. "You've got a little drool right there, Jones."She added pointing at the corner of her lips as his attention fell on those pink lips of hers. "Where?"He asked challenging, leaning closer towards her over the bar as she cocked an eyebrow at that, seeing the challenge in his words as she did the same before her thumb carefully stroked over the corner of his lips. "There you go, Jones."She said, going back to the booth she sat in, collecting all her stuff. "Is it true what they say about woman who are spending most of their days working, Alice?"FP asked, leaning on the bar,  a smirk on his lips. "What do they say, Jones?"She asked slightly amused, hanging her bag over her shoulder. "That they are incredibly sexual frustrated."He said with a wink as she chuckled at that. "So must you be then, FP."She threw back leaving the Diner as FP looked now at Fred noticing how he was moving a knife in the air. "Sorry, I'm just cutting the obvious sexual tension between you two."

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