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"Couldn't have gone worser, could it?"She asked in a whisper as he helped her out with the dishes, hearing the bickering in the living room from her mother and his father. "Well, they at least aren't pretending to be the best parents."FP answered, putting away the clean glasses as a snort left her lips at that comment. He was quite right at that. She had seen the schocked faces of her daughter and Jughead and not to mention how both of them left the house as quick as they possibly could. "Well, I have to admit that I'm quite afraid they're going to kill each other."She said back. "She isn't killing me at least."He threw back, remembering the comment Alice's mother made on him and his father and he didn't really care what she had to say about his father but about him was something else as all he wanted to be was the best man for Alice and such a comments brought him down. "You don't believe her, do you?"She asked, turning around to face him, worry in her blue eyes. "She is right, Ali."He muttered, putting down the towel as her hands cupped his face, making him look at her. "She is not right, FP. Never."She quickly said, pecking his lips. "You're the best that has ever happened to me and that will ever happen to me."She added to hear how someone stormed inside the kitchen ruining the peace they had for a short moment. "Alice, I can't stay here with that pig of a man!"Her mother exclaimed, pointing towards the living room as she exchanged a gaze with FP before he went to living room, leaving them alone so he could talk with his father. "It's the least you can do, mom. You wanted to come and see your grandchildren."She said back, filling a glass with wine, needing it for sure. "I did not know that coming here would mean I had to be with those kind of people."Her mother threw back in clear disgust. "Don't act so highly, mother. FP and I are happy together and will be for the rest of our lifes. You can accept that or you can leave this house."She said, losing her temper as she put down her glass. "Don't talk like that to me, Alice."Her mother warned, glaring at her daughter. "I'm not a child you can manipulate, mother."She hissed before leaving the kitchen, showing that she was not having this conversation with her mother. All she wanted was some well deserved peace but look at them now. This house was almost a circus!

"Babe, are you alright?"FP asked carefully as he entered their bedroom, peeking inside to find her sitting in front of her make-up table staring at her reflection. "I'm losing my temper with her."She muttered with a sigh, letting down her walls as he closed the door. "I know, Ali, I talked with my dad and warned him to behave himself."He said, making his way towards her as he stood behind her, hands resting on her shoulders. "And will he?"She asked with a raised eyebrow, having heard a lot of stories about FP Jones Sr., not all those were good. Most of them weren't good... "Will your mother behave herself?"He asked back, not answering the question as he did not know what he should answer because he did not know if his words had any effect on his father. "I hope so."Alice muttered, brushing her hair, needing to be busy with something to just stop thinking and worrying about everything that could now possibly go wrong and there were a lot of things that could go wrong, she had them all in her mind to just simply be prepared. "It's gonna be alright, we're going to do this together."

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