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It was a surprise when she walked inside his trailer with teary eyes and smudged mascara. "Alice, what's wrong?"He asked, raising from his seat on the couch, closing the distance between them straight away, worry filling his body. "No more secrets, no more lies."She said softly, trying to control her breathing as she watched him while he tried to understand what was going on. Why was she crying? Why was she here? "I should have told you sooner. Maybe something would have been different."She said, just talking while her head didn't even know yet how to form the next sentences as his hands rested on her shoulders, almost like he could calm her down by just that simple gesture. More tears streamed down her face as she opened her mouth before closing it again, loss for words. "I...I ha...I had your baby. His name-- I named him Charles. I...I...I had to give him up for adoption."She started rambling, not even aware of it as she just wanted to tell it all, she couldn't hold it back any longer. She needed him to know. "Alice, slow down. Slow down, all right?"He whispered, trying to calm her down while he didn't know how to react on this news. He had a son. With her...

"He came to see me and I turned him away. And now he's dead. He's dead because of me, I killed our son."She continued, gasping for air, her hand on her chest while her other hand held tightly on a tissue. He just watched her, feeling the tears form in his eyes as the words sunk in. "Do, do you remember, FP? In high school?"She asked softly, taking a step closer. "Yeah, I remember, Alice."He answered, cupping her cheeks in his hands, trying to make her look at him but she wouldn't. "I'm sorry, I...I...I made a mistake."She whispered, trying to catch her breath but it seemed suddenly impossible to breath, turning away from him as she just wanted to get out of here, she couldn't do this. "Hey, Alice."He said, trying to stop her as she just shook her head. "I...I have to go..."She murmured. "Alice, Alice. Are you talking about Chic?"He asked, needing to know. "No, Chic, Chic is someone else, Chic is..."She said, shaking her head, not even trying anymore to get out of there as he slowly turned her around to face him but her eyes stayed close. "You don't understand what I've done, FP. You don't understand what I'm respo...responsible for."She said, not leaving space for him to talk as guilt took over her emotions. She killed their son, she turned him away. She gave him up for adoption, she never looked for him, she turned him away, she killed their son... She did it all...

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay."He whispered, wrapping his arms around her body that was slowly breaking in his arms, not able to hold back the tears anymore as he just held her tightly, trying to calm her down while on the inside he needed to calm down. Everything was going insane inside of him but still he held himself strong, holding her trembling body in his arms, placing kisses in her hair. "I got you, Ali."He whispered, stroking her back as he felt her pull away, blue eyes looking at him with uncertainty, trying to guess what he was thinking, feeling, just guess anything. "You should hate me, FP."She said softly as she hated herself so much for it already. Why didn't he? "I could never hate you, Alice."He muttered, pulling her back to him, his arms back around her waist, swaying her softly as if they were dancing but there was no music. There was a silince that used to feel uncomfortable but now it felt peaceful. "Why not?"She asked softly, her head resting against his chest. "Because I simply love you, Ali."

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