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"When I look into your eyes, it's like watching the night sky, or a beautiful sunrise."

"Are you going to ask her to dance, FP?"Fred asked as he watched his friend stare at the woman standing at the otherside of the dancefloor, chatting with Hermione Gomez, a smile gracing her features. "She wouldn't want that."He muttered taking a sip from his water to only get the glass snatched from his hands by Fred. "Tom and Sierra just got married. They followed their hearts and not what they thought was. Now, you're going to get your ass over there and ask her to dance."Fred said sternly, surprising FP who looked at him with raised eyebrow. "Also a side note, she has been looking at us for the last 10 minutes."He added, putting the glass down as FP looked back to the other side of the dancefloor to meet her blue eyes.

"There's so much they hold."

"I'm going to ask her to dance."He muttered, more to himself to feel Fred pat his back. "That's the spirit, FP."He said, pushing him slightly forward as he made his way over the dancefloor, dodging dancing bodies as he watched Hermione leave Alice's side.

"And just like them old stars, I see that you've come so far to be right where you are. How old is your soul? 

"Hey, Ali."He said with a smile on his lips as he leant against the wall she stood by, feeling her gaze study him. "How are you, FP?"She asked softly, putting her glass to her lips, taking a sip from her white wine. "I'm good, and you?"He asked back. He should just ask her to dance, lead her on the dancefloor but he was finding it suddenly difficult to ask her. "I'm alright."She answered before putting down her glass. "You wanna dance, Jones?"

"Well, I won't give up on us. Even if the skies get rough."

"Always, Ali."He answered with a smirk, getting back his confidence as he took her hand in his, feeling how her fingers entangled with his as she followed him on the dancefloor, finding a good spot to dance as his hand found her waist while her arms went around his neck, both holding each other closer. "Bringing up a lot of memories, don't you think?"He asked in a whisper, slowly swaying on the rythme of the music as a smile formed on her lips. "Doesn't everything bring back memories, Jones?"A chuckle left his lips as he turned her around, holding her even closer when she faced him again. "Do you mind that, Ali?"

"I'm giving you all my love."

"Should I mind it, Jonesy?"She asked back as her blue eyes held his brown ones. "I don't think."He muttered, wishing for their lips to connect, wishing for them to be together again. How stupid had he been to let her go?

"I'm still looking up."

"Stop thinking too much, Forsythe."She whispered softly, pulling him back. "The night is too short to worry."

"And when you're needing your space to do some navigating, I'll be here patiently waiting to see what you find."

"Do you ever regret how everything turned out?"He asked in a whisper. "I don't because I'm really enjoying this moment, Jonesy."She answered with a smile as his hand found hers, entangling their fingers, staring at the finger where her wedding ring used to be. "You've got divorced?"He asked in a whisper. "Had a lot of time to think about it all. And I see you are also."

" 'Cause even the stars, they burn. Some even fall to the Earth. We've got a lot to learn."

"After a long talk with Jughead and a shorter talk with JB."He answered. "But Jughead figured it all out before I really did."

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