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"Mom, are you alright?"Betty asked carefully as her mother signed the divorce papers, shoving them away from her, holding back a tear that was ready to spill. "It's okay."Alice softly said, standing up from her seat. "Had to get it over really, nothing big about it."She added, trying to find something to do. "Be honest with me, mom."Betty said softly as she also stood up, making her way towards her mother, placing a hand on her mother's shoulder. "It's gonna get better, honey."Alice said softly. "We just need to give it some time."She added in a murmur. "I know, mom."Betty whispered, hugging her mother, knowing she needed the comfort. "We're going to get through this together."


Boxes were piled in front of the Cooper's now Smith's house as a truck drove away. "I feel like you could use an extra pair of hands, Alice."Fred spoke as he and Archie left their house. "If you wouldn't mind."Alice said back with a small smile. "Not a problem, neighbour."Fred said, returning the smile while Archie went to Betty and Jughead, greeting them. "Kevin is going to come help us out also."Betty explained to Archie, looking for a tag on one of the boxes. "I think he'll bring Moose with him."She added. "And Fangs and Sweetpea are coming also later."Jughead said, sliding his phone back in his pocket. "How are you doing, Alice?"Fred asked carefully, not wanting to ask the wrong question but also wanting to know how she was holding up lately. "Getting through it, Fred."She answered. "Those are for in the living room."She said, gesturing at some boxes. "We got them, Ms. S."Jughead said as he, Archie and Betty started carrying them inside. "How are you?"She asked back. "Figuring things out."He answered in all honesty. "Andrews construction?"She asked, knowing he was trying to fully get his company back from Hiram Lodge with the help of Mary and Hermione. "Yeah, it's more complicated than I thought it would be."He answered, watching a car stop in front of the house as Kevin and Moose exited the car. "Hi, Ms. Smith!"Kevin greeted with a bright smile just as Betty came outside. "You guys, are here!"She said, giving both of them a hug before starting to give around orders. "She is a lot like you, you know."Fred said as both of them watched how Betty pointed out where the boxes needed to go as Moose and Kevin carried some. "I know that."Alice said with a smile. "It's sometimes scary."She added. "You know the only reason why Hiram is being such a pain in the ass is because of you and Hermione."She said next. "Figured that much out."Fred said back. "But I think we're getting there eventually."He added. "Mom, where are these boxes supposed to go?"Betty asked, gesturing at a couple of boxes. "I believe those are for your room, Elizabeth."Alice answered, watching her daughter go again inside the house. "How are you and FP doing?"Fred asked curious. "There is absolutely nothing going on between us. He's trying to figure things out with Gladys."She answered quickly, greeting Sweetpea and Fangs and telling them where the rest was. "Is that what you want, Alice?"Fred asked back. "What I want, is that he is happy and if happy means that he's getting his family than back together I have to accept that. Now let's get these boxes upstairs."


Fred Andrews was leaning against the counter in Pop's waiting for Pop to get back with his order as FP left the kitchen. "Fred, what are you doing here?"He asked curious, taking off his apron. "Getting my order."Fred answered just as Pop came back, putting down different bags of food. "That's a lot for just you and Archie."FP commented causing a chuckle to leave Fred's lips. "It's for all the people who helped out at Alice her place."He explained quickly. "Feeding the hard workers."He added. "I'll help you carry them."FP offered as he took the other bags that Fred couldn't carry. "I see you tomorrow, Pop!"He yelled after him, leaving the Diner with Fred. "Why don't you tag along?"Fred asked, putting the bags on the backseat. "I'm not sure Alice wants me around on the moment."FP answered, remembering the last time he had spoken to her and how their conversation had ended. "She came to the Diner when Gladys came here trying to mend our relationship. Haven't spoken to her since then."He explained when he felt Fred's curious gaze on him. "Well, then it's time to speak again!"Fred exclaimed with a smile. "I have ordered enough."


Alice was surprised, more than surprised when Fred came back with not only the order from Pop's but also with FP. She couldn't even say for sure how long they haven't talked with each other but it was obvious that there hung a tension between them when he entered the living room and his eyes landed on Alice. She had put a smile on her face quickly, hiding her true feelings as she greeted him. "How was work, dad?"Jughead asked, taking a burger of the coffee table. "Calm."FP answered, his eyes still resting on Alice who was absently staring at the food on the table. "How has it been here?"He asked back, his eyes finally leaving her to look at Jughead who seemed to sense the strange tension hanging in the air. "Good, I think. Have you heard back from mom?"Jughead asked before taking a bite from his burger. "All the papers have been signed and sent back. She is good to move on."FP answered, looking down at his hands were no longer was a wedding ring. "It was time for us to move on, son."He added. "I understand, dad."Jughead said, noticing how Alice suddenly left, dissapearing in the kitchen as Betty wanted to go after her mother to only get stopped by Jughead who put an arm around her when he noticed his father standing up to go after Alice. "Let them talk."He whispered in her ear. "I feel like they need to sort some stuff out."


"You didn't tell me you and Gladys got divorced."Alice said softly once FP entered the kitchen. "You didn't ask me it, you just assumed Gladys and I were getting back together."He said back, taking a step closer towards her. "I know Jughead wanted his family back."She said softly, not looking at him, she just couldn't. "He wants his family happy and if that means that Gladys and I are not together anymore than so be it."FP explained, stopping when he stood next to her, leaning against the counter. "He knew that Gladys didn't make me happy anymore."He added which finally caused her to look up, curiousity in her blue eyes. "She isn't you, Ali."He whispered, his hand finding hers. "She can't make me as happy as you make me. I can't love her when I'm madly in love with you and only you, Alice Smith."He whispered, pulling her closer as his arm went around her waist. "I want to give this another shot, you and me."He added. 

"What about the kids?"She asked, looking up at him. "They'll understand it, Ali. Think now about what you want."He answered, his hand going to her cheek, cupping it. "I want us."She answered in a whisper, a small smile on her lips. "I've always wanted us."She whispered, arms around his neck in a hug. "Then we'll make it work this time."He whispered, answering the hug. "I love you, Ali."

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