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The room was completely silince as she laid on the bed, staring at the ceiling above her, not finding sleep. The day had been amazing but now the night was here and she could already feeling a slight hangover forming from all the wine she and Hermione had drunk just an hour ago. "Alice, are you awake?"A voice asked as she looked up, finding FP standing in the doorway of the room, shirtless with his pant hanging low on his hips. "Do I look asleep?"She asked back with a smirk, standing up from the bed quickly as she made her way towards him, peeking past him in the hallway. "Hermione is sleeping in her room and Fred is snoring loudly on the couch."He said with a smile. "And why are you waking me up?"She asked curious as Fred was asleep on the couch next to where he was sleeping. "Because I knew you would be awake, Ali."He answered, entering the room, not even minding if she wanted it or not even when he knew that she would always let him inside. 

"Sure of that?"She asked, sitting down onto the bed next to him as she crossed her legs, facing him. "Definitely."He answered, also sitting better so he was completely facing her. "So you're going to keep me up all night, Jones?"She asked, trying to keep her eyes on his face. "Well, you've been keeping me awake."He threw back at her, his hand as an eyebrow shot up at that comment needing an explanation with that statement. "Seeing Fred and Hermione so happy together, it made me think of us."He explained, his hand finding hers as he entangled his fingers with hers. "Do you sometimes think about us still?"He asked in a whisper. "Too many times."She answered softly, sitting on her knees now as she moved closer towards him. "Even when I shouldn't."She added, her lips hovering in front of his as his eyes skipped from her eyes to her lips. "I should have never let you go, Ali."He whispered. "You still have a chance to change that."She whispered back, letting her feelings take the upperhand as her lips found his in a soft tender kiss which he accepted, arms snaking around her waist, pulling her body closer towards his. "I love you, Ali."He muttered against her lips causing her to pull back from the kiss. "Say it again."She whispered with a twinkle in her eyes. "I love you, Ali."He repeated before moving his lips to her neck. "I love you to, Jonesy."


"Fred, where is FP?"Hermione asked, waking up the sleeping man on the couch who grunted in response before looking up with sleepy eyes. "Bathroom?"He asked, reaching out for her as she chuckled at that, leaning down to place a kiss on his lips pulling back when he tried to deepen it. "FP."She said sternly before walking away, going to check all the bathrooms, to find all of them empty. "He wouldn't just leave, would he?"She asked, coming back in the living room where Fred now sat with a mug of coffee. "His stuff is still here."He answered, gesturing at the wallet and phone resting on the coffee table. "I'm going to wake Alice."Hermione muttered, slightly confused as she made her way towards the guest bedroom, knocking on it, waiting for an answer which did not come as she carefully pushed open the door.

"Alice?"She asked as a head shot up from the bed. "FP?"She questioned confused, looking at his messy state before her eyes landed on the pants laying by the bed before another head shot up as Alice looked at a surprised Hermione who was trying to progress what she was seeing. "Well, I'm going to give you two some privacy, but uhm, we're going to Pop's for breakfast."She said, pointing behind her before quickly leaving the room, slightly flustered, rejoining Fred in the living room who looked curiously at her. "I found FP."She answered simply, a chuckle leaving his lips. "Knew it would happen."He stated, his eyes looking behind when there were footsteps as FP slowly entered the living room. "So I guess you had a good night,FP?"Fred asked with a smirk. "Better because you were snoring loudly down here."FP answered, sitting down on the couch just as Alice joined them in the living room, a red colour on her cheeks. 

"How was your night, Alice?Eventful?"Fred asked next with a chuckle as she turned only more red at that comment, quickly dissapearing in the kitchen as FP glared at him before also going into the kitchen. "Keep your clothes on, you two!"Hermione yelled after them. "Shove it!"Two voices yelled causing Hermione and Fred to burst out in laughter. "You owe me 10."Hermione whispered with a smirk, leaning back on the couch. "You cheated by having this reunion."Fred said back, fishing his wallet out of his pocket. "I didn't tell them to sleep in the same bed."She said, her eyes going to the kitchen for a moment. "They did that. I just wanted them to kiss."She added. "I believe they have kissed, didn't notice all those hickeys?"He asked back with a chuckle. "Gonna get some more coffee."He added, standing up from the couch, slowly walking towards the kitchen. "Coming in, get your clothes on."He announced loudly before pushing the door open, finding Alice and FP standing next to each other against a counter giving Fred a glare. 

"I thought you two would have released all that sexual tension."

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