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She couldn't do this. No, she couldn't. Yet here she stood, staring at a local bar that held so many emotions, so many memories that she used to shove away, not wanting to remember it and feel the pain all over again. But she had to do this. She heard the rumors about his deals with Penny and she knew that bitch well enough to know he got himself in trouble and just knowing that broke her heart. She couldn't let him deal alone with it. Her hands pushed open the doors, ignoring the curious gazes she received from several Serpents and the glares she also received as she just made her way up the stairs without even saying anything. She didn't fit in these surroundings, wearing a tight blue pencil skirt and a white button shirt, not the typical leather jackets you found down here. No, she didn't fit like she used to. But yet she was here and still held her chin up high as if nothing could hurt her but everything could. A facade was so easy to pull off and she was a professional in it. Her knuckles hit the wooden surface of the door, tapping her heel impatiently as the door swung open, a rather tired FP Jones opened the door. His posture changed immediately when he saw her, trying to be nonchalant but she could see the curiousity in his eyes, wondering what on earth she was doing here in the Southside. "Alice?"He asked questionally, a raised eyebrow as she just walked past him inside his office, waiting for him to close the door. "What on earth did you think!"She said loudly, dropping the facade straight away, anger visible in her blue eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about, Smith."He quickly said back, holding up his hands as a sign that he was so called innocent causing a groan to leave her lips. "You got tangled up in Penny Peabody's bussiness and God knows what that woman wants you to do!"She explained, slamming her hands on his desk. She was pretty angry when she found it out and she had done her best to keep it out of her husband's hands, who would do anything to bring FP to the ground. "Why do you care so much about it, Alice. You fucking act like you are not from here!"He threw back. Slightly frustrated that she knew this and it almost felt like she was spying or something on him and the thought just made him more frustrated with her. "Perhaps but I don't want that bloody woman to be your death!"She yelled back. How this could go on for like forever, them yelling at each other and in the end they used to make up but this time it was different. They weren't young and foolish and the thing they fought over back then was nothing like what it was now. He knew how angry she could get but he thought that after the years, she wouldn't care that much about him. But seeing her here down in the Southside, away from her comfort and her perfect life to just yell at him. That were enough signs for him to know she still cared. "She won't be my death."He muttered, rubbing through his hair, sitting down on the chair. His brown eyes studying her, almost like it was the first time he could stop and look at her after a long time and it god damn felt like it. "Don't lie, I know what that woman does."She hissed, still not calmed down as he stood up at that, walking around his desk, stopping right in front of her. "And you know me."He said back as she looked up at him. "I know you do stupid shit."She muttered causing a chuckle to leave his lips. "I'm known for doing stupid shit but not for risking my life by doing it."He corrected her, a smirk present on his lips as she just glared at that. "Tell me, you have this all figured out, to get out of this."She muttered, almost begged. No, she didn't want this to end badly. She needed to know that this was going to have a good end, that he was going to be okay. Just knowing it would be enough. "I...I have a plan."He said but she could hear the doubt in his voice. "You don't, do you?"She asked softly, raising an eyebrow. "I don't."He muttered with a sad smile to only feel how she grabbed his hand, making him look at their hands before looking back up. "Let us figure this out together, Jones."

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