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He stood on her porch right at 9 o'clock, holding his helmet tightly in his arms. Should he knock on her door or would she come outside? Does she want him to knock? He felt as an idiot right now, sitting here on his motorcycle, waiting for her. "Afraid to knock, Jones?"She asked as she left the house, looking at him with a raised eyebrow and a slight smirk on her pink painted lips. "Didn't think you would want some Southside scum knocking on your door, Alice."He answered, holding out his helmet for her as she carefully took it, placing it on her head as he clasped it, a soft smile forming on his lips as he looked at her. She was completely the Northside but in this short moment, he found back the old Alice, the one living at the Southside not afraid to get in some troubles, the one he felt deeply in love with. "You're not some Southside scum, FP."She said back, crawling on his motorcycle, arms wrapping around his waist as a sign for him to get going and get this all over with. "Let's get this case solved, Forsythe."


They drove all over town, stopping by every dump, talking to every person that lived closeby it, wanting answers to the questions they had and the easiest way to get those was to simply ask around and hope for the best. "This is a lost case, Alice."He muttered, stopping by the last dump as a sigh left her lips as she took of the helmet. "We're gonna get to the bottom of this, Jones. I did not get involved in this to drop it when things don't go as smooth as you hoped."She said back, poking his chest as her blue eyes held the warning that this all was far from over and he should know that. "Can I help you two?"An old man asked, leaving his house as he watched the two in pure curiousity. "Hello, we came to look around."She said, smiling friendly at the man as she felt an arm wrap around her waist. "Looking for something specific?"He asked just as she looked at FP, questioning the arm around her waist as he just shrugged his shoulders at that before looking at the man. "A bronze head."He answered bluntly, going straight to the point unlike how she approached it as he got nudged in his side by that, feeling her glare on him as the man just laughed. "I see, it's your lucky day then."The man said, walking towards an old refrigerator. "You mean, you have it?"Alice asked in slight disbelief, following the man. "I happened to stumble across this one just a few moments ago."The man answered, opening the refrigerator showing that inside of it, rested the head of Pickens as they both stared at in disbelief. "This is exactly what we were looking for..."FP muttered, not believing that they had finally found it. He had given it up in his mind but here they were now. "Do you happen to know who dumped it here?"Alice asked quickly as the man thought about that for a moment. "Not really, I get a lot of scavengers around here."He answered honestly. "Any type that just came here that stood out?"She asked next, not letting this go yet. "Well, there was this man that I hadn't seen before that came around, looking for some bike parts."He answered as she couldn't help but grab FP's hand in anticipation, feeling how he squeezed it, reassuring her that this was it. "A low-life type."The man answered, looking at them before his eyes fell on FP's jacket. "He had one of those."He said, pointing at the leather jacket FP was wearing as Alice looked at him, thinking about what this meant. A Serpent had done this? Who on earth would try to do such a thing and try to frame Jughead for that? Breaking a Serpent law for what?

"Did that man happen to be tall?"She asked, letting her suspicions be there as FP looked at her confused to only hear what he did not expect. "Yes, yes he was tall."

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