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He had no choice but let the Serpents decide what to do. His son versus Penny fucking Peabody, the snake charmer. He did not think Jug would be capable of what he did and now he was sitting with his hands in his hair, not knowing what on earth he could do to save Jug's skin. Maybe that is why he came down here in his desperate mood. If anyone could help him out of this sticky situation, it had to be her. It always was her. "FP Jones, what a sudden surprise."Alice said, looking up from her laptop to look at the Serpent King with a raised eyebrow. "Alice, I need your help."Was all he said as he shoved a chair in front of her desk, sitting down not even waiting to be invited to sit down, no he made the invite himself. He had no time to lose. Every minute was precious in this moment. "How on earth can I help you, Jones?"She asked back, taking off her glasses as she leant back in her chair, trying to act casual but it felt even strange to her to have him inside the Register. "I need to find the head of the statue of Pickens."He said bluntly, straight going to the point of this whole mess. "You do know I'm a journalist, Forsythe?"She asked confused. What was he doing here? Why did he need her help? He probably had enough Serpents to help him out yet he came to her? Why on earth?

"You know everything that happens here, Alice."He answered, rubbing through his hair. "I'm not an officer."She threw back, standing up from her seat as he did the same. "They're gonna throw him out of the Serpents, I need to find that head, please Alice."He whispered almost begged grabbing her arm, stopping her from walking away and leave him alone with this mess that seemed to him impossible to fix. How would he even start with this? "I don't know who else can help me, Ali."He added softly as her blue eyes held his brown ones, observing him. "Let's start with the facts then, Jones."


"The timing is straight up perfect after the protest of the Serpents obvious."She explained as they sat down together in an almost empty Pop's. "Too perfect you can say."She added as he took a bite of his burger, watching her write something down. "What do you think, Alice?"He asked once his mouth was empty. "That someone is trying to frame the Serpents of course."She answered straight away. It felt as the old times to her, sitting here with him in Pop's, discussing Serpent matters together. "Do you have anyone in mind that would try to do such a thing?"She asked, taking a sip from her coffee. "Maybe Penny."He suggested as she shook her head at that immediately. "She is not that stupid to try such a thing."She quickly said, holding his gaze. "She has all the right reasons to try that."He said back. Maybe Penny had done this. Maybe Penny was trying to frame Jug to get back at him. "But she won't be so stupid to do it like that. There are too many errors in this whole thing that she would never make."She said back, throwing away his suspicions towards Penny. If Alice told him she didn't do it than he would believe her, not when anyone else had said that. "Let's check all the dumping grounds tomorrow. Perhaps we come across it then and otherwise we're going to hear around...discreetly."She said finishing her cup of coffee while waving at Pop for the bill. "You don't want Hal to know?"He asked carefully, handing Pop the money before she could. He was not going to let her pay for them, he could at least still be a gentleman towards her after everything. "I don't want the one who did it to know it."She corrected him, swinging her handbag over her shoulder. "I'll be expecting you around 9 o'clock."

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