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"Goodmorning, Betty, Jughead."Alice greeted as she came downstairs, finding them sitting on the couch, busy discussing something. "Have you guys eaten something?"She asked, looking at them as Jughead perked visibly up at the sound of food. "No, we've been busy."Betty answered, her eyes finally meeting her mother's who couldn't help but give her daughter a curious gaze. "Alright, I'll make you two something."She said with a smile, happy to be able to keep herself busy for a moment, not hearing how Betty and Jughead entered the kitchen. "Mom, could Jug and FP stay over for dinner tonight?"Betty asked carefully, drawing circles on the counter while Jughead tried to get a peek at what Alice was making for them. "Sure, I'll have to get some groceries then. Why these sudden plans?"She asked curious, breaking some eggs in a bowl. "We're throwing a surprise party for my dad so we had to find a way to get him to leave."Jughead explained. "So Cheryl, Toni and some of the others can get the place all set up."He added. "For his birthday?"Alice questioned, her back at the teenagers. "Yeah, mom."Betty answered unsure at how her mother knew when it was FP's birthday. "Don't look like that, we used to go to High School together."Alice said, pointing a fork at them. "I didn't say anything, Ms. S."Jughead said holding up his hands. "Elizabeth, will you set the table, please?"Alice asked as her daughter nodded at that. "Jug, don't sneak away like that. You're helping!"Betty warned just before Jughead could slip out of the kitchen, a defeated look on his face as he took the dishes from Betty. "I wasn't sneaking away."He quickly said as she raised an eyebrow at that. "You were searching for the dishes in the living room?"She asked with a smirk as Alice watched them with a soft smile on her lips. It was good to see Betty back happy, after the events she had been suffering under them and it hurted Alice to see her daughter like that but Jughead always seemed to be able to pull Betty through whatever they were facing as she couldn't help but to think about FP. A soft sigh left her lips as she made some scrambled eggs for them. "You should come to the party also, Ms. S."Jughead said when she slid the scrambledd eggs on their dishes. "I'll think about it."


7 pm, still 30 minutes before Betty, Jughead and FP would arrive causing Alice to look in the oven before quickly washing everything she had used, tying her hair together in a bun as she quickly worked her way through the dirty bowls and dishes not hearing how the door opened as FP, Betty and Jughead entered the house. "Mom, we're here!"Betty yelled, putting her keys down as Alice peeked from the kitchen, rubbing her hands clean on a towel. "You're early."She said surprised, giving Jughead and Betty a quick hug before hugging FP, placing a quick kiss on his cheek. "I'm going to get changed quickly."She said, going upstairs quickly leaving them behind as FP watched her leave. 

"Are you redecorating the place?"FP asked as he looked around the room, noticing a lot of differences since they last were here. "Mom is keeping herself busy and she found redecorating the house the perfect manner."Betty explained, shushing Jughead out of the kitchen as he tried to look what was in the oven. "What is she going to do once she is done?"FP asked curious, noticing how all the pictures that had Hal on them were no longer around. "Finding another way to fill my time."Alice spoke causing FP to turn around quickly not expecting her to be back that quick as he couldn't help but appreciate how she looked. She was wearing a black dress, that was hugging her body in all the right places, just the way he loved it. "I can think of a few things to fill your time with."He said with a wink as she rolled her eyes at that. "I should have expected something like that to leave your mouth."She said softly, dissapearing into the kitchen, to finish up. "You need any help, Ali?"FP asked loudly as Betty and Jughead already sat at table. "If you don't mind."She answered, taking the mac and cheese carefully out of the oven, not wanting to burn herself as she put it down on the counter feeling FP's presence behind her. "You look good, Ali."He said softly, laying his hands on her waist. "You look not that bad yourself, Jonesy."She said back with a smile, turning around to face him. "I know the kids have planned something."He whispered softly. "And I hope you'll come."He added carefully. "You want me to come?"She repeated curious, leaning slightly against the counter. "As my birthday present perhaps."He suggested. "What are you two doing in there?"Jughead asked loudly. "Patience, boy!"FP yelled with a smirk. "Stop thinking about food all the time."He added amused, taking a bottle of white wine, bringing it to the dining room as Alice followed with the mac and cheese. "I don't always think about food."Jughead interjected in his defense. "I'm pretty sure you even dream about food."Betty said with a smile as Alice filled the plates, chuckling softly. "You're supposed to stick up for me, Betts."Jughead said acting schocked. "Not agree with them."He added, gesturing at his father. "Your girl, knows the truth, boy."FP said before they all started eating, enjoying the food as FP filled a glass of wine for Alice and him. "This is really good, Ms. S."Jughead spoke as first as the rest agreed with him. "Now, you two, tell me what have you have planning all week."FP said, pointing at Betty and Jughead who looked surprised at that. "I don't know what you're talking about, dad."Jughead quickly said before stuffing some food in his mouth so he didn't have to answer again. "I've noticed you two whispering to each other the whole time, slipping away to discuss stuff."FP said, taking a sip from his glass of wine. "You really think you can keep something from me?"He asked laying a hand on Alice's leg, surprising her before she covered his hand with hers, a soft smile on her lips. "You'll know soon enough."Betty said just as her phone started ringing. "I'll need to answer that. Jug, can you come with me?"She asked, leaving the table as Jughead followed her quickly.  

"Then it was just the two of us."He said amused, turning a bit on his chair to look at her better. "What if I would leave now to, Jones?"She asked with a raised eyebrow. "You wouldn't do that, Smith."He answered, entangling his fingers with hers. "And why wouldn't I?"She asked curious as he leant carefully closer to her. "Because you want to be with me."He whispered, his other hand cupping her cheek. "Just like I want to be with you."He added, his eyes flickering to her lips for a short moment that did not go unnoticed by her. "If you're so sure about it, prove it."She whispered, a sparkle in her eyes as he took that invitation to place his lips on top of hers, his thumb stroking her cheek slowly as their lips moved smoothly over each other's. A feeling both of them had missed so damn much and that neither of them wanted to lose again. "Come to the party."He whispered against her lips before moving them down to leave kisses on her neck. "Come and tell me you want me."He said softly. "Come and give me the best present anyone could give me."He added before pulling back when footsteps approached them. "We'll have to leave, Dad."Jughead said, not noticing the sudden tension between the two adults. "Goodnight, Alice."FP said, a smile on his lips as he placed a kiss on her cheek. "Come for me."He whispered before leaving the house with Betty and Jughead.

Should she go and give her heart away again? Or should she keep it safe from the possible pain? Her heart was screaming to go while her mind tried to reason with her. She had been hurt so much, was she willing to take the risk again?


"I feel like you're not too thrilled with this party."Jughead said, taking a seat next to his father, who held a beer bottle in his hands, trying to find her in the crowd, afraid that she wouldn't come. Could he blame her if she did not? "Or are you waiting for someone?"Jughead asked with a smirk on his lips. "What do you mean, boy?"FP asked, looking at his son who shrugged his shoulders. "Waiting for a certain Ms. Smith."He suggested amused. "What are you trying to say?"FP asked, wanting to know how his son knew this. "I just never thought to see you with pink lipstick."Jughead commented before leaving his father behind again who quickly wiped his lips. Did anyone else noticed that to? Or was Jughead the only one?

His thoughts came to an abrupt stop as a car stopped, a smile forming on his lips as he rose from his seat, watching her leave the car, an unsure expression gracing her face. Their eyes met and all the uncertainty dissapeared from her face. Both of them quickly making their way to each other and before he could speak her hands cupped his face, pulling him in for a kiss, giving him the answer he had been waiting for. A kiss that spoke a million words and opened new doors. "I want you."She whispered against his lips, slowly pulling away. "I want us."

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