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Her fingers ticked against the counter she was leaning on, staring outside the window at the never changing landscape in front of her, begging her to go and leave this place behind but she is stuck here and that is what is killing her. She never liked to be stuck somewhere, feeling like there was no place to escape to. She felt like a bird stuck in a cage being watched by a cat who was ready to attack once the cage would dissapear. 

But the roles had changed so much. She thought that coming here would be the best thing to do but she was just blind and needed a place to heal while she had found her place to heal, she had found arms that would wrap around her, comfort her, make her feel safe. But she slipped from under them and ran away. She was afraid to get hurt again and feel all the pain that she had managed to deal with over the years. Now she was here, thinking about the place she longed for. "You're thinking too much again, Alice."A voice said causing her to turn around facing Edgar who was leaning against the doorway of the kitchen watching her from there, acting like she was an open book that he could easily read while all he managed to see was what she wanted him to see and that was absolutely nothing. Why did she listen to Polly and believe that this place could heal her? "I just got lost in thoughts."She answered quickly, a smile on her lips as she walked past him, ignoring his gaze that followed her as she went upstairs, waiting a moment at the top of the stairs, listening if he was following her or not before going into her room, closing the door and locking it behind her. 

A heavy sigh left her lips as she leant against the door, staring around the empty room. Everything that reminded her of home had been taken away from her because it was so called bad to keep things close. A load of bullshit if you asked her. Her phone had been taken from her also which took her way of escape away from her, she could not call Betty and see how she was doing, all she could do was listen to Polly who kept telling that Betty was doing fine and that everyone is happy that Alice was there with her in this crazy place. Of course she knew that most people did not know where she had dissapeared to. At least that was what she hoped...

There she went again, thinking... Her thoughts seemed to be the only thing that kept her sane as it was the only way of remembering memories that could make a smile appear on her lips, that could make her feel that spark of joy sometimes. "Mom, why is the door locked?"Polly asked as she knocked on the door. "Oh sorry, it's just a habit."She quickly answered, unlocking it as her eldest daughter entered the room. "You know that we don't lock doors on the Farm, we don't have secrets."Polly said sternly to her mother who simply nodded her head, going towards the window as she stared outside. "How is Betty?"She asked softly, not looking away from the scenery that was outside. "She is okay."Polly answered, not really going into details about it. "Where is she staying now?"Alice asked next, needing to know more. "She no longer is at the Sisters of Quiet Mercy, she actually is home now."Polly answered, scanning the room, trying to find something odd. "She is alone?"Alice repeated, slightly schocked at the fact that her youngest daughter was all alone there. "I guess her boyfriend is with her."Polly said back. "Her boyfriend has a name."Alice muttered under her breath, hating all these rules that had to be followed her. "Well, she shouldn't be with him. He will only bring bad things to her. She should have come to the Farm with you, mom."Polly said but before she could continue her little speech about the Farm, the silince that hung around the Farm was suddenly disturbed by the sound of....Bikes?

Before she could go and check it out, wanting her suspicions to be true, the door closed when Polly left the room, a click followed by it, locking her in her own room? This only gave her the answer to her suspicions as she quickly went towards the window, unlocking it. Hell no, that was going to stay in here. Then they were completely wrong about who she was and who she is! 

"Where is she?!"A voice yelled loudly that she recognized all too well, giving her the final push as she took off her shoes before crawling out of the window, her hands gripping the rainpipe tightly, remembering all the times she had escaped from her bedroom during her teenage years. Soon enough her feet were steady on the ground underneath her window as a victorious smile formed on her lips at that before she started to run into the direction of the voice, going all around the house 'till she was at the front. "FP!"She yelled loudly, noticing him standing in front of Edgar ready to start a fight. "Ali!"He yelled back, running towards her as his arms wrapped around her tightly, lifting her up in the air. "Ali, baby."His voice sounded like music to her ears, his voice was the only thing she wanted to hear when she was stuck here. "We're going home."He whispered, placing a kiss in her hair which she took not as enough, connecting their lips in a passionate kiss, showing him all her feelings, feelings that had only become stronger, feelings that he answered with everything he had. "We got you."He whispered as she finally took notice that he did not come alone. A smile forming on her lips as she found members of the Serpents, holding back Edgar while others made sure that no one would try to tear them apart from each other. 

"We take care of our own."

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