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A/N: Thank you for the request, it immediately sparked some ideas in my head so I ended up writing a part of it in the night xd. But here you go and I really hope you like it!

"Jughead..."Betty said softly as they sat together in a booth, Jughead enjoying hiw burger while she was stirring her straw in her strawberry milkshake, needing to talk about these events that had been happening lately with someone.

She had tried to bring it up in a casual conversation with V and Kevin but then she realised that both of them would literally live at her place till they got to the bottom of that situation and how much Betty loved both of her best friends, that was not going to happen.
"What's wrong, Betty?"Jughead asked, noticing the way that she bit her lip which was something she did when there was something bothering her but she was not sure it was worth to mention it.
"I think my mom is seeing someone,Jug."She said softly, her eyes meeting his. She knew that there would be this moment that her mother would move on and meet someone new but she had not expected it to be there yet. What she really did not expect was the sneaking around. It made her mother look like a teenager and her... The mother than?
No, just no.
She had managed to find out who killex Jason Blossom. Damn, she even found out the truth about her father, how hard would it be to discover the identity of this...boyfriend of her mother?
"And I need your help on finding out who it is."

For the past three weeks Betty and Jughead had been trying their best at finding out who this man was that her mother was seeing. "We can conclude that it is absolutely not Mr. Andrews."Betty said, taking the picture of Fred Andrews off the board not hearing the doors open.
"What is the case here? Some killer we're trying to unmask?"Veronica Lodge asked, taking a sip from her Macchiato trying not to feel slightly betrayed that she was no part of this case. "Not really."Betty answered, sending her best friend a small smile. "Betty's mom is dating someone."Jughead added casually as a black eyebrow shot up at that. "Alright, how much I am in some juicy gossips and wanting to know them first, don't you think it's a bit too far to make a whole murder board around it. Jeez, B, you make it look like someone is brainwashing your mom in sleeping with him."Veronica stated, her hand gesturing at the whole board as a disgusted look crossed Betty's face. "God, V, you really had to say that."Betty groaned while Jughead studied the board again. "You missing the point,B."Veronica said back, looking at her best friend. "This thing is insane, why don't you just ask her about it?"She asked, it was how she found out about her mother and Fred Andrews, just pushing aside the total awkwardness around the whole situation and being straight forward. "She would not admit it."Betty said back, clearly not wanting to have such a conversation with her mother. "I just need to catch this man when he is getting in my mom's room."Betty added, sitting down onto a desk. "How is he getting in there?"Veronica asked, sitting down next to Betty. "Climbing through her window."Jughead answered before Betty could as a gasp left Veronica's lips at that. "How romantic. I'm dying for Archie to do something like that."She muttered as both Betty and Jughead exchanged a gaze, just imagining all the effort Archie would have to make because the Pembrooke was not a simple two-stored house.
"Now, pointing out your advantages."Veronica said, getting all the attention back. "You're besties with your neighbour, use that."

So that is how Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones and Veronica Lodge ended up in Free Andrews house who was on a trip with Hermione Gomez not knowing what was going on in his house. "Are we planning on sitting here the whole time?"Archie Andrews looking at his friends who were gathered in front of the window in his father's bedroom as it was the one opposite of Alice's. Just till the person sneaks in and we catch him."Jughead answered, taking the bag of sour worms from Archie."I love these moments."Veronica murmured, patting the spot next to her on the bed, a sign for Archie to take a seat as he watched Betty and Jughead by the window, discussing who this mysterious man could be. "How long has this been going on?"He asked curious, looking at his girlfriend who simply shrugged her shoulders. "Only 3 weeks I believe."She answered nonchalant, surprising him as he would have thought she would have been slightly offended by not being a part of this all straight away. 

"Shut up!"Betty yelled, sitting straighter as she took the binoculars from Jughead, looking through them, a curse leaving her lips when she could not decently see the man, walking next to her house, a ladder under his arm. "I can't recognize him."She muttered, handing it to Jughead now who also took a glance, having the same problem. "That is so cute."Veronica muttered as the man put down the ladder climbing up it just as the window opened, to reveal a smiling Alice who greeted this mysterious man with a peck. "Wait!"Jughead yelled as the light of Alice's bedroom made it possible to see the man better. "It's a Serpent."He muttered in disbelief to get the binoculars pulled from his hands as Betty looked through it to indeed find the Southside Serpents symbol on the leather jacket of the man. "But who is it!"She said loudly, dropping the binoculars to look at her boyfriend who was the leader of Serpents. "Who of your serpents is sneaking in my mother's room?"She asked with a huff as Veronica was done with it. Perhaps it was the curiousity of herself that came through or the fact that those two made this situation a lot more difficult than it actually was but she was done with it!

"Okay, this asks for the band aid approach!"She said loudly, standing up from the bed as everyone looked curious at her. "A band aid, you need to just rip it off quickly without thinking, so we're just opening the door of your mother's bedroom without thinking and just see for ourselves who this serpent is!"She explained, walking downstairs with the rest following her. Archie completely down for this new approach, Jughead slightly unsure about it while Betty tried her best to stop Veronica from leaving the house but there was no stopping her. They had made a murder board around it, they had been spying now on them which may been her idea but nevertheless they weren't any smarter about it!

"I don't think this is a good idea, V!"Betty exclaimed as they arrived at her house as Veronica held up her hand at that, stopping Betty from saying anything else. "Just the short pain, B."She said back, opening the front door as the group of teenagers entered the house quietly not wanting to give themselves away and give this mysterious man the time to run away and fled the scene. "I throw the door open and you guys look who it is, alright?"She asked in a whisper stopping by the door of Alice's bedroom as Betty nodded her head unsure watching how Veronica grabbed the doorknob. "Wait, wait!"Betty whispered quickly, turning to Jughead. "Can you please look?"She asked, slightly begging not really wanting to see inside the room without knowing if it was safe to look inside...Oh no...Not thinking about that...

"Okay."Jughead said, a soft nod of his head as a sign for Veronica to open the door which she did, quite dramatically as the door flew open, startling the persons inside of it as Jughead looked inside, hearing a yelp from Alice who sat on someone's lap, arms around her waist as he couldn't see who it was as Alice blocked his view. "I can't see!"He whispered/yelled causing Veronica to look also just as Alice moved. 

"Oh my god!"

"Who is it?!"Betty asked, now also standing in the doorway just as her mother blocked the view again. "What are you all doing here?!"Alice asked loudly, slightly emberassed by this whole situation. "I have the right to know who you're seeing, mom!"Betty answered, crossing her arms with a huff. "I need to know which Serpent you're dating!"She added gesturing at the Serpent jacket laying on the floor just as the man peeked from behind Alice's back. 

"Hi, kids..."

Betty's lips formed a perfect 'o' as she stared at her boyfriend's dad who sat there awkwardly on her mother's bed with her mother standing in front of him, her eyes casted down to the floor. "I need Pop's..."Jughead muttered, shaking his head slowly as he walked away, followed by Archie as Veronica and Betty where left by the room staring at the two parents, Betty is disbelief while Veronica stood there with a smile.

"I totally ship it."

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