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It felt like her whole world has stopped right there as she held the pregnancy test in her hand tightly, looking at the two stripes on it, revealing that her assumptions were right...

"Mom?"Betty asked worriedly, knocking on the bathroom door before her eyes moved back to her watch. She had locked herself in the bathroom for now almost twenty minutes after excusing herself from table and it was worrying Betty immensly, not knowing that her mother was now standing in front of the mirror, studying her still flat belly.

How was she going to do this? She wasn't in her twenties... She couldn't be carrying a child now and not again from FP. How could she be making that same mistake over and over again? She stuffed the test in her pocket, not wanting Betty to find it before unlocking the door, sticking a smile on her face. "Just a bit sick, Betty."She explained walking past her daughter. "How about we go to Pop's?"She asked curious, needing to go outside and where else to go then. "Alright, can Jughead come then?"Betty asked carefully slightly suspicious about her mother's mood on the moment. It had been changing quite a lot, last night she had caught her watching a comedy with ice cream while crying rivers.

"That's okay!"Alice said, already wearing her jacket as she swung her handbag over her shoulder. "Let's get outside, Elizabeth."


Betty eyed her mom curiously who was stirring her vanilla milkshake with her straw while Jughead sat next to her, eating his burger in silince not sensing the change in atmosphere. "How are you kids?"FP asked suddenly joining their table sliding down on the seat next to Alice who got pulled out of her daydream by the sound of his voice, her eyes growing big for a moment. "We're fine, dad."Jughead answered once his mouth was empty. "And you Alice?"FP asked next looking at the woman next to her. "I need to go to the bathroom."She exclaimed, sitting straight up, waiting for FP to move which he quickly did as she slipped past him, leaving them behind. "What is going on with her?"He asked confused looking at Betty who shrugged her shoulders, stealing some fries from Jughead's plate. "She is been acting like that for a couple of weeks now."She said as FP looked back at the seat where Alice sat to only notice now something on the seat as he carefully picked it up, making sure couldn't see it as realization struck him.

2 pink stripes...

"Dad, where you going?"Jughead asked, not receiving an answer as his father made his way towards the restrooms, waiting patiently for Alice to leave. "FP, what are you doing here?"She asked confused, looking around. "Is there someone in there?"He asked as she shook her head to feel how he pushed her inside before taking out the pregnancy test. "Mind telling me what this is, Alice?"He asked holding it up as her hands went to her back pockets cursing when it was no longer in there. "I'm sure you already know that."She answered, pulling up her facade quickly, crossing her arms. "Is it mine?"He asked carefully. He wished she was going to say yes and tell him that he was carrying his child but he was also pretty sure she was going to murder him because of it then. "Of course it is yours."She spatted, pulling the test out off his hands wanting to put it back away to only get stopped. "Can I keep it?"He asked carefully, confusing her as she looked up with a cocked eyebrow. "As a memory."He added with a soft smile. "What about the baby?"She asked softly causing his hand to go towards her belly. "We'll get through that."He said with a bigger smile now. "Together."

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