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"She was soft, she was kind"

They used to dance in the middle of the living room, swaying to the music as if nothing else mattered. In those moments it were just him and her and no one else as if for just one minute they were the only ones on the whole planet. And it felt peaceful. He didn't need anything else except for her. 

"She was warm and she was mine"

They used to sit in the back of his truck staring at Sweetwater river with the nightsky shining above them. There was not a sound of other people around them as his arm was around her, holding her close, in a protective embrace. He loved her with his whole heart or whatever was left of it. 

"And now she's getting married, now she's getting married"

And now he stood in front of the church wondering what he was doing here. He was probably the last person she wanted to see on this day yet here he stood. "You're coming inside, FP?"Fred asked unsure, finding his best friend in front of the closed door. "She doesn't want me  here."He answered with a shrug, wishing for a bottle of beer right now. How it would taste so good right now. The idea only made it sound perfect. What else could he even do? "Just get inside with me, FP. Show your face."

"And I'm not the one she'll kiss goodnight"

So he followed Fred Andrews inside the church, taking his seat on the bench in the back of the church out of sight of everyone while Fred joined Hermione, giving her a kiss on the cheek before sitting down with her while he just sunk down on the bench. Maybe no one would be able to see him here. What would she do if she saw him? Would she stop and stare at him? Maybe even talk to him? 

"We were young, I'll admit, but I thought that this was it"

The music echoed through the church causing everyone to stand up before the doors swung open, revealing her. She was beautiful, taking his breath away as her white dress hugged her body perfectly and for a moment it seemed as if he couldn't breathe anymore. She walked with elegance over the path covered with petals, her blue eyes scanning the people inside before resting on him. Surprise was visible on her face as he just sended her a small smile, not really a happy one but it was a smile. More he could not give her. 

"And now she's getting married, all my hope is buried"

But she didn't stop. She kept on walking down the aisle 'till she stood with Hal Cooper, a smile on her lips as they held each other's hand. A promise in their eyes and he knew. Yes, he knew that Hal could make her happy and give her everything she deserves while he couldn't. So he felt sad and broken in this moment but she was in the right hands. Even when it were not his. 

"And I wonder if she ever thinks of"

She looked back for just a short moment as if she needed to know if he was really there in the back of the church or if he left which he hadn't. No, he was sitting there, alone.

"Ice cream in the park, dancing in the dark"

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