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"Love me!"It was a simple phrase but there were so many emotions behind those two words as she slowly turned around, fresh tears in her eyes as she scanned him, trying to get what his words meant. "Don't turn away from me, Ali."He whispered as he closed the distance between them, taking her hands in his as he was afraid she would leave him and slip through his fingers, so he held her hands tightly, eyes begging her to see past all their mistakes. Mistakes they made and mistakes he was the cause of. "I never stopped loving you, Jones. That is what hurts the most."She whispered, finally letting those tears go, no longer holding them back as she finally let her emotions come through. "But you went on with your life and now I want to do the same but you can't let me go. You can't let me move on and that hurts so fucking much."She explained, pulling her hands free. "Live on them."He said back, building that wall around him that she hated so much. "You're an idiot, Forsythe."


"You know he has been staring at you from the moment you entered the door."Hermione said as she handed her best friend a glass of wine, looking at FP who stood on the otherside of the room, not hiding the fact that he was looking at them as Alice acted as if she only noticed it now but she had searched for him when she entered the room. Their eyes had met and those butterflies went crazy in her belly straight away. "Let him stare."She answered plainly, taking a sip from her wine before pulling Hermione with her on the dancefloor, a smile on her red painted lips. "I'm here to have some fun."She added, dancing to the music that filled the room and echoed of the walls. She may have had a drink before she came here but she somehow felt bold as she danced as if there was no tomorrow as if this was her last chance to dance. 

As they laughed, spinning each other around, forgetting all the shit that happened to them, till their bubble got popped as a hand rested on Alice's back. "I was waiting till you were going to join us, FP."She said, already knowing who had joined them on the dancefloor. "So sure I was going to come, Ali?"He asked with raised eyebrow, turning her around as the music slowed down. "Let me have this dance."He whispered as Hermione dissapeared in the crowd, going to find Fred to dance with as her arms slowly slipped around his neck. "You're alone?"She asked carefully, not wanting to get her hopes up. "No one can handle me, babe."He answered with a smirk as she just rolled her eyes at that comment, not as if she didn't expect something like that to leave his lips. It was the typical FP comment. And she knew him better than he knew himself. 

"Anyone can handle you, Jones."She said back, swaying to the music as he just watched her, studying her expressions as if he could read her like an open book and perhaps, perhaps he could in fact do that but she didn't mind and she didn't think she would ever mind it because it meant he was paying attention to her than and knowing she had his attention made her heart beat a little faster. Maybe more than a little. "Some better than others."She added with a smirk, holding his gaze. "I only know one person who could handle me."He said back, leaning closer towards her as he placed a kiss on her cheek, making the butterflies go insane in her belly. "And that is you."He whispered in her ear before spinning her around, not caring about the other people dancing around them. No he had only eye for her, from the moment he had entered this room and found her, he was all eyes. "I love you, Ali."He said softly as the words left his lips, the words they never said to each other, afraid of the impact it would have as she just froze, staring at him in slight disbelief. Did she hear that right? "I love you."He repeated, cupping her cheeks in her hands. "Do you love me?"He asked, slightly nervous, afraid of the rejection. "I do."She whispered back a smile forming on her lips as she hugged him tightly. "I love you so very much, Jo..." "Jonesy!"An unfamiliar voice yelled as she letted go of him, turning around to only see a woman run past her, throwing her arms around FP, bringing him in for a kiss as she just stood there frozen once again, staring at the scenario unfolding in front of her. She shouldn't have believed his words. Why was she so stupid to believe him after everything that happened? "Ali, wait."He started as just ran away, away from him...


"You're an idiot, FP."She whispered, shaking her head. "Do you really think it is that easy? You really think I could forget you as easily as you forget me?"She asked as he glared at that, not liking those words. "God damn, Alice, I never forgot, don't say such a stupid things. I fucking love you so much."He answered once again closing the distance between them. "But yet you have flings with other women and then you expect me to love you?"She asked, hitting his chest, wanting to get rid of these emotions she didn't want to feel. No, she really didn't want to feel this, not after that."I was drunk."He said back as if it made everything better as she just stopped hitting him, wiping away the tears. "You think that makes everything better, Forsythe. We're not teenagers anymore."She whispered, taking a step back. "You love me, you said it yourself, you can't keep on pushing these feelings away, Alice."He said back, wanting to go back in the past and stop himself from making certain mistakes. "I can keep on pushing them away, I've been doing it for so long now. I don't want you if you can't show me you want me just as much."She said softly, her eyes holding his. "I lov..." "No, Jones, you don't. If you loved me, you wouldn't have done that. Then you wouldn't do such a thing and that ever after saying that you loved me. Do you even know how it made me feel? Do you even have a clue? No, you not because you just do wi...."His lips landed on her, shutting her down as she felt her knees go weak, butterflies going insane in her belly as she wanted to wrap her arms around his neck, hold him close but she didn't...She didn't want to let him win that easily. No, she would...

"I love you, Ali."He whispered against her lips as she tasted something salty, noticing only now that he was crying as she pulled back, her heart aching in her chest. "I promise that nothing really happened between us, nothing of a big impact. I only could love you and I will only love you, you're my only one and I want no one else but you. What can I do to prove that to you?"He asked, almost begged. "Don't do such a stupid things, Jones. Just don't."

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