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Another pill to swallow, trying to make her head stop spinning, trying to stop the world and have a moment to breathe, to fill her lungs with fresh air and push away the anxiety that was trying to take over her body but she couldn't seem to calm down, as her hands held the steering wheel tightly, making her knuckles turn white before parking on the side of the road, stopping her car before letting the air escape her lips, tears forming in her eyes. Tears she had supressed but couldn't hide anymore. Why did he say something like that? She was doing fine, she was really doing fine but then he came and made her fine seem like it was absolutely nothing. He made her fine seem like she was breaking and that was not how it was supposed to go. No, if she said she was fine, she was fine and no one questioned that but of course he just had to ask questions like he always does...

I always cared about you, Ali babe...

He didn't...He really couldn't care about her like he used to because back then they were together, they were happy and now they were apart and managing on their own. They couldn't be playing that game again of loving to hating. She was sick of that game. Sick of how unsure everything around them used to be and it was not something she needed back. A huff left her lips as she stared in the backview mirror, wiping away the mascara that seemed to not be waterproof. "Get a grip, Smith."She whispered, trying to calm herself down with those words before a knocking sounded on the window of her car as she slowly turned her head expecting Tom to stand on the otherside, telling her that the side of the road is not a parking but to her surprise she found FP standing there, slightly out of breath as the highest buttons of his shirt were undone, leaning against her car, his dark brown eyes begging her to open her window so they could speak as her finger slowly pushed down the button, sliding the window down. "What do you want, FP?"She asked coldly, her eyes focused on her hands that still held the steering wheel in a tight grip. "I want to talk, Ali."He answered in a pleading tune, not wanting to run after her again. Well, he would always run after her but he was done with running and maybe he was also beginning to become old but other than that he just wanted to have a calm life. "You and me."He added softly as she nodded her head at that, opening the car door as she stepped outside, her arms wrapping around her body, hugging herself. "What do you wanna talk about?"She asked carefully, trying to think about what this conversation would go but her mind kept wandering back to the last sentence he had said to her in Pop's.

I always cared about you, Ali babe...

"I want to talk about you and me, I want to talk about how you are and how I am, without lying and pretending."He answered, his hand grabbing herself, giving it a soft comforting squeeze. "I want pure honesty."He added in a whisper, finally finding her blue eyes looking up at him. "Why did you leave me?"She asked softly, her voice almost breaking. "You let me go back to him."She added, heartbroken, thinking back to the night they spent together like they were the only two people on the world but when the morning came he acted like a dick, almost like nothing happened and she had gone back to him. If she wouldn't have gone back maybe everything would have turned out differently. But she did and here they were now... "I was an idiot, Ali."He whispered, needing to make her listen, make her see that nothing was her fault. "Like I always am and probably will be but I hate how I treated you. I should have treated you better, treated you like the damn queen you are."He continued. "I thought I didn't deserve you because I letted you walk away from me before. You don't deserve some Southside scum like me."He added, biting his lip slightly as her head shot up at that. "You're not some Southside scum."She said back sternly, a glare in her eyes. "You're FP Jones."She added as if it showed him why he wasn't Southside scum as he could only raise an eyebrow at that, not really getting it. "I don't care on which side you were born and I never will care about that stupid thing. Southside or Northside...I cared about us, you and me together no matter which side we were on."She whispered, pulling her hand out of his grip to wipe some dust of his shoulder. "I only wanted to be with you."

"Ali..."He started to only see how she shook her head, a sad smile forming on her lips. "It's stupid, I know."She muttered, opening her car door once again to only have close it back, stopping her from running away from him once again. "The world is stupid."He whispered, fingers under her chin, pushing it up to make their eyes connect. "I love you, Ali."

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