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Black leather hugged her body as she walked inside the bar, she promised she would never enter again with her youngest daughter next to her. What brought her here, she didn't know. She was curious, wanting to know if he was really stopping with it this time or if it was just another lie like the last time. She was curious but she also longed to be in this place once again and embrace herself completely. This part of her life was one of the most important parts, one she pushed away, not wanting to face it again. But here she stood as if she never left this place...

"You shouldn't have come, Alice."A familiar voice spoke as she turned around, finding the subject of her thoughts, leaning against the wall next to the entrance, luring her away from her daughter, leaving her alone with his son as she took the glass out of his hand, taking a sip from it. "You shouldn't lie, Forsythe."She said back, her eyes holding his. "About what am I lying then?"He asked, raising an eyebrow as he took the glass of water back from her. "Stopping this all."She answered, going straight to the point as a chuckle left his lips, pushing himself off the wall, walking through the crowd. Would she follow or not?

"I'm playing my part, Ali."He said, walking between the dancing bodies as her feet followed him without thinking, stopping when he stopped as his hands rested on her waist, slowly swaying her to the rythme of the music. "And it seems like you came back."He added, lips hoovering next to hers. "I always come back, Jonesy."She answered, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips, letting her emotions come through. All the emotions she had buried deep inside of her came back to the surface as their lips moved over each other like they were meant to do, hands holding the fabric that kept their bodies apart. "You act like you want to lose yourself but you're holding back really."He whispered, ending the kiss that left her breathless. "I'm holding back because I need to know, FP, I need to know if this time you're for real."She whispered back, her hand still held his shirt tightly, afraid he would slip through her fingers and she would be alone once again, stuck on the Northside of town. "You decide that, Smith."

"You decided to step back and leave your leather jacket. You decided to start a new family with another man. It's all that you decided."He started, summing up, finger trailing over her cheek. "You moved on."She said back, her blue eyes studying him. "I couldn't grieve for the rest of my life, Smith."He threw back, dropping his hand. "You know it's actually Cooper."She muttered, feeling how the wall was building itself back up between them as a simple snort left his lips, shaking his head. "You are not a Cooper. You're a Serpent."

"What do you want to be, Ali? Stuck or free?"

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