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"What about Polly? And Betty?"Hal asked, sitting at the dinner table staring at the papers in front of him in slight disbelief. Their marriage hasn't been going well lately but he never thought they would end up here together. He never thought she would want to divorce him. "Don't you care about our kids?"He asked, staring at Alice who sat at the other side of the table. "I care about them immensly."She answered, her eyes not looking at him as he held the pen in his hands, turning it around slowly. "But I need to think about myself, Hal."She added softly. "I always put them on the first place for everything but now...Now it's my time to be on the first place. Now I need to think about me."She whispered, a sad smile on her lips. "And I hope you understand that."She added softer, standing up from her seat. "So this is how it ends? Who gets the house? What about the Register and the kids?"He asked, still not wanting to sign those papers. "The kids can choose for themselves. The rest I don't care about, Hal."She answered, slipping in her coat, her purse in her hands. "I'll give you time for yourself. But do think about yourself also, Hal. I know you're not happy either."She said softly before leaving the house. 

She made her choice after FP got out jail, after their talk on the parking lot of Pop's, where he told her to build a home together. She left him right there, stepping in her car leaving him alone with Betty and Jughead as she needed to be alone at that moment. She thought about it, she broke her mind over it. She tried to find reasons why she shouldn't be doing that. But she could find none because that was exactly what her heart always wanted. She always wanted to be with him and no one else. Now she thought about herself...


"Alice, why are you calling?"FP's voice sounded as he answered the call slightly confused, rubbing his eyes, trying to get rid of the sleep. "Could you open the door?"She asked softly rubbing her arms, trying to warm up the best she could as the door quickly opened, a slightly confused FP standing in the doorway wearing only his boxers as she did her best to keep her eyes on his face but who could blame her for appreciating his body for a few seconds? "What are you doing here, Alice. It's 2 am."He said softly, gesturing at her to enter which she quickly did as he closed the door behind her. "I..."She started, trying to think a way to say what she wanted to say to him to find absolutely no possible manner to say. So she did what she wanted to do from the moment she stepped in the car and drove away. 

Her arms flew out, wrapping around his neck pulling him down to capture his lips with hers, a passionate kiss giving him the answer to his question. The answer to the question he had just asked and the question he had said silently on the parking lot of Pop's. "I want to do this."She whispered against his lips, tears forming in her blue eyes. "I want to give us a second chance."She explained, his arms resting around her waist, holding her close against him. "You..."He started slightly in disbelief. "I signed the divorce papers this evening. I couldn't forget what you had said that day, Jones."She explained softly. "It's all I ever wanted."She added, pecking his lips. "And all I ever need."She murmured, waiting for him to say something next. "Us."Was all he whispered before crashing their lips together, lifting her up in his arms. 

A kiss, a touch or caress with the lips as a sign of love, sexual desire, or greeting. A kiss that welcomed back their love that had never dissapeared. A kiss that showed the connection they shared with each other and a kiss filled with sexual desire, showing how sexually frustrated they were once they had laid eyes on each other. 

It was a kiss that every romantic movie tried to portray with fireworks exploding in the background, cheering from other people who could just feel their love that filled the air around them. It was a kiss that could make anyone believe in love. It was a kiss they shared in the comfort of their home. 

An old, slightly dirty trailer, standing in the middle of a trailer park called Sunnyside Trailer Park. A trailer filled with emotions, filled with memories, sad and happy ones. A trailer that was their home. 

Where they would make a happy ending for them. 

One they had been waiting for forever.

Because finally they realized that they should have always been we. 

That them should have been us. 

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