Halloween Special Part 2

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After that hectic event they sat on the couch, cuddled with a blanket covering them as they watched some old horror movies, finding the old ones the best. Yet they more loved the way they were spending this night, close to each other, stealing glances and sharing laughter. "It's predictable."She muttered, taking a hand full of popcorn from the bowl that rested on his lap as they watched another person die on the screen. "It's the music that makes it predictable."He said back, watching her as she turned around to face him. "You can tell it without the music."She immediately threw back, putting a piece of popcorn in her mouth as he raised an eyebrow. "You can't."How he wasn't going to let her win this argument that easily. "Prove it."She said with a smug smirk on her lips, challenging him as he took that with both his hands. "Let's watch it without audio then."He said with a raised eyebrow holding the remote controller in his hands. "You'll see I'm right."She said as an answer on the unspoken question he had asked as he muted the television, making a silince fill the room as both of them were focused on the television. She was going to win this argument. "What does the winner get?"FP asked, looking at her as he paused the movie. "The winner decides what we will do after the movie."She answered, holding out her hand as he shook it, a smirk on his lips. "I hope you're ready to lose, babe."He said, pushing on play before she could say something back. She had not really planned her Halloween to go like that but she absolutely didn't mind. Not even that prank call because that brought him here. "Why did you call me, FP?"She asked curious as she had not thought about that but now it crossed her mind she was really curious about it. "I wondered what you were up to, Alice."He answered, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer towards him. "And I'm glad I called because I really missed this."He added as she leant against his side, snuggling closer to him. "I also missed this."She murmured, staring at the television but not really paying any attention to it. "You know we could do this always."He muttered. He had tried a couple of times before to convince her to tell Betty and Jughead about them but something held her back from doing that. "We could."She said softly. "But I'm not ready yet."She added, looking up at him. "What are you waiting for,Ali?"He asked in a whisper. "For my divorce papers."She answered straight away, keeping her gaze on the television even when she really wanted to look at him and see his reaction. "Now, are we going to watch the movie?"She asked, feeling how he placed a kiss in her hair. "Alright."


The movie was over and she had to sadly admit that she had quite some moments that she jumped up from a scare which proved that her point of view was wrong and she didn't really like to admit that but she could also notice the smug look on FP's face as he knew he had won. "So, Ali, seems like I won, didn't I?"He asked with a raised eyebrow. "Seems like you did indeed."She answered, wanting to cross her arms to only feel how he pulled her onto his lap. "Now I get to decide what we will do."He muttered, stating what she already knew just to rub it in her face. "Don't be so smug about it, Jones."She said, placing a kiss on his lips. "Or I'll kick you out of the house."She added as he only chuckled at that. "I would love to see you try, babe."He said back with a wink as she stood up. "Alright! Come, outside you!"She said, trying to pull him off the couch to only feel how he, with a simple pull, pulled her onto couch as she fell onto it, feeling how he pinned her hands next to her head, leaning over her, their lips only inches away from each other. "Seems like you lost again, Ali."He whispered, his brown eyes holding her blue ones. "I know something I can always win."She said with a suggestive smirk as he raised an eyebrow at that, feeling how her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer. Lips meeting lips, feelings finding each other and she loved it. She loved how complicated yet simple their relationship was. How she craved for his presence, for him to be with her. How she wanted him to hold her close or just look at her. She wanted all of him not just something. She needed him like the air she breathes. "Won't Betty come home?"He asked in a whisper as she pressed her lips to his, stopping the words from leaving his lips. She would come home but only late in the night or early in the morning and she didn't care. No, in that moment, this moment, she only wanted to be with him. In this moment she thought about herself and not about all her excuses to just not go into a new relationship. Because...This relationship was not something new. This relationship had always been there but just grew stronger with the years. "I don't care."She whispered against his lips. "I want you to stay. No, I need you to stay...with me."She added softly, staring up at him. "I will always stay with you, Alice."

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