Halloween Special Part 1

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She as a journalist had her fair share of prank calls during her years of working but this one. Oh, this one was different and she didn't like it a single bit. 


It all started when Betty left for a halloween party with Jughead, leaving her home alone, ready to watch some horror movies with a bowl full of popcorn while there stood another bowl ready with candy for the kids that came trick and treating. She didn't especially liked Halloween. Let's say she could simply tolerate this holiday. And that was just enough really. She didn't like how people tried to scare others and all the blood and gore that came involved with this day. It wasn't really what she liked so picking a horror movie was another battle as she had already dismissed all of them, calling them childish, too fake or a wanna be horror movie. How she wanted to have something with her on this moment to just pick a movie, cuddle with under a blanket with a nice pumpkin latte. More she didn't really need. 

But yet that was not what she had. No, she was alone with a husband that was in jail that refused to sign the divorce papers, a daughter that was involved with some kind of cult and another daughter that rather enjoyed the company of people from her age. So here she was, standing in the kitchen, waiting for her coffee to be done as she stared blankly outside the window. When was the last time she did something for Halloween? Or when was the last time she actually enjoyed this day? 

The ringing of the phone broke her train of thoughts as she turned around, picking up her phone from the kitchen counter quickly answering the call, wondering who would call her at this moment. "Hello?"She asked when she didn't hear something straight away. Not a noise being made on the otherside of the phone as she quickly checked the number finding it to be an unknown one. "Hello, who is this?"She asked before the connection suddenly broke. Was this a prank call? Really? Oh, she was not having this! She had her fair share of this kind of bullshit and she was absolutely not tolerating this! No, not today, not tomorrrow. No, not any kind of day!

She unlocked her phone, calling the caller back immediately. "Do you find it funny now?"She asked when the call got answered. Her frustration coming through. "Are you really the kind of person enjoying to prank call people on Halloween? Do you actually know how fucking old this kind of bullshit is?"She asked, not holding back a single bit. "Hello, Alice."A voice answered. Some kind of monotune voice with no emotions behind it. "Did you really listen to anything I just said?"She asked with a raised eyebrow which the other person couldn't really see but she just couldn't help. "Who is this even?"She asked, taking a sip from her coffee. "You know who I am, Alice."The person answered plainly. "Well, if I knew, I wouldn't have asked."She threw back with a sigh. "Who do you think I am?"He asked as she couldn't help but check the number again almost as if she thought that suddenly a name would appear on it. "How would I know?"She asked, walking back inside in the living room, taking a seat on the couch. "Do you really not know who I am, Alice?"He asked again, irritating her now. Was this real? "Okay I'm done with this. Grow up."She said shortly before breaking the connection, putting her phone down on the coffee table. Suddenly the need of watching a horror movie dissapeared completely. She was not really in the mood anymore. 

The ringing of the doorbell startled her as she slightly jumped up. Why was this getting under her skin really? Before she could even open the door, she could hear her phone ringing again, announcing that there was another incoming call. "Trick or treat!"Three children yelled together, holding their bags in front of them already filled with candy. "Here you go."She said with a smile, ignoring the call in the background as she took a handful of candy, dropping it in their bags. "Happy Halloween."She said as the children smiled at that before going to the next house, leaving her alone as the phone call finally stopped causing a sigh to escape her lips. Finally...

But before she could really be happy about it, her phone went off once again as she groaned, quickly answering. "Are you high or something?"She asked, not even giving him a chance to say something first. "I didn't teach you to talk like that, Alice."He answered shortly. "Or did you forget already, darling?"He asked as she froze at that. "Do you know now who I am, Alice?"He asked as she could hear the smirk in his voice at that. This couldn't be real, could it? "How does it feel to live in the house of a murderer during Halloween?"He asked, not giving her the chance to say something, to say anything. "Are you scared?"He added as she just ended the call quickly. Could it be him? It couldn't, could it? She didn't really understand it. It made her paranoid as she took a glance outside the window almost as if he would stand there, a black hood hiding his face just as her phone went off again. 

"Leave me alone!"She yelled as she picked up the phone, wanting to immediately end the call to only hear a surprised and familiar voice on the otherside. "Alice, what is wrong?"FP asked confused as a sigh left her lips. Relieved to hear a familiar voice. "FP, I, I thought, I..."She started, trying to find the right words to say. How could she explain it? "There is just this person that has been calling me for like the last hours."She explained, rubbing through her hair. "I'm coming, Ali."

She was so happy when she opened the door and found him standing in front of it as her arms wrapped around his neck, hugging him tightly as he answered the hug, arms wrapping around her waist, holding her close. "It's okay, Ali."He whispered, stroking her hair. "I, I thought it was just a prank call, like usually."She muttered, closing the door behind him as she pulled him inside the living room. "Someone is prank calling you?"He asked surprised as there felt a silince between them when her phone started ringing once again. "Put on loudspeaker."He whispered, sitting down on the couch as she sat next to him. "Hello?"She said softly, a silince filling the room again. His hand rested on her leg, comforting her. "It's not nice to end a call like that, Alice."The person said with a chuckle as she just felt herself freeze even more, her whole body tensing all up. "Who are you?"She asked softly. "You know who I am, Alice."He answered straight away. "Leave her fucking alone, alright!"FP said loudly not holding back as he was done with this whole phone call. "Have a damn nice Halloween in jail, Cooper!"He added, ending the phone call as she just stared at him in surprise. "So, you still don't like Halloween, Ali?"He asked with a smile as she couldn't help but laugh at that, shaking her head. "I really hate it, Jones."She answered, grabbing his hand in hers, squeezing it. "But I love it to spend it with you, Jonesy."She added, placing a kiss on her lips. "Happy Halloween."

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