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The only thing he could think about right on the moment were balloons as he blew up the last one of the ten packages he and Fred had bought, regretting their uncertainty about the colour because than they wouldn't have been in this situation, both out of breath, sitting around the dining table. If Alice would wake up and come downstairs, she would just stare at them with a slight shake of her head and a chuckle before making breakfast for him and Fred. 

"Next time we just ask Alice which colours, you know."Fred said, leaning back in his chair. "Next time we take her with us is a better option."FP said back, even knowing they would probably still do it alone. Or maybe Hermione. Yeah, they would maybe take Hermione with them... "Are her parents coming?"Fred asked slightly curious, knowing the troubled relationship he had with her parents, being viewed as not worthy of their daughter as Southside scum while they also used to live in the Southside. So, not much of a blame game they could play on him and he showed it them which ended with the typical parents in law relationship, hating the boyfriend. Not that he could say anything of his father. The man never showed up for anything till he died and left him with the Serpents. She had been by his side from the start, helped him through everything that he went through even when she didn't really know him except as the leader of the Serpents. She helped him with the Serpents, dealing with everything around it, making the Serpents more of a family than a gang which is probably the reason why most of them were coming over today, to greet the little Serpent Prince and wish him a happy birthday. 

"I invited them."He answered with a shrug, his eyes scanning the living room, making sure everything was as he imagined. "Nothing more I could do."He added quickly, not really wanting to go deeper into the subject as Fred just gave his best friend a side glance, knowing that it was a subject he rather avoided. "They will come to see their grandson."He muttered, not really unsure about that as Alice's parents were really fond of Charles. "And perhaps try to tell their daughter the mistake she is making."FP added before hearing footsteps upstairs, a smile forming on his lips as he watched a sleepy Alice coming downstairs, a bathrobe wrapped around her body. "Morning, Forsythe."She muttered with a yawn before her eyes felt on Fred. "Morning, Fred."She added with a smile, not noticing the decorations yet as she rubbed in her eyes for a moment. He loved to see her all sleepy while she used to hate it but now knew she could not hide from him in the mornings as he loved the mornings, just to wake up next to her. "Oh my..."She muttered as her blue eyes seemed to light up when she noticed all the decoration. "Did you....Did you two do this all?"She asked in a whisper, teary eyes. Hormons she would later claim for sure if he would mention it but for now he stood up, wrapped his arms around her waist. "For my angels everything."He said with a smile, placing a kiss on her forehead as another hand rested on her belly. "After all he will only turn 1 one time."He added as Fred chuckled at that. "And 2 and 3..."Fred started with a chuckle as FP just threw his best friend a glare, shutting him up even when both of them knew that they would do this all over every year. "I love it."She whispered, pecking his lips. "I'm going to Hermione but I'll see you later."Fred said as he stood up, sending both of them a kind smile before leaving through the front door not even giving them really a choice as Alice still stood in FP's arms and FP looked at her lovingly. How did he end up having such a beautiful wife, he mostly wondered. Something he thought about a lot as he couldn't imagine going through everything without her. "He will love it, Jonesy."She muttered just as crying sounded upstairs. "I'll go get him."She added, pecking his lips one last time before dissapearing back upstairs as he checked everything. Where there enough balloons? Enough blue ones? Or maybe red ones? No, he had not enough red ones for sure! "Dada!"A cheery voice yelled as tiny arms wrapped around his neck, hugging him tightly. "Little angel!"FP exclaimed, pressing a kiss on Charles' forehead as the little baby chuckled at that, his tiny hands reaching out for his father's face while his blue eyes stared at the balloons and all the decorations. "Happy Birthday, my little prince."

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